License Types

A catalog of ABC license types. Click on each heading to see a description of the license type.

The descriptions are summaries and do not include all details or exclusions. Section numbers refer to the Business and Professions Code (BPC) or the California Code of Regulations (CCR) unless otherwise specified.




License Types by Number

01 - Beer Manufacturer

Authorizes breweries to produce over 60,000 barrels of beer per year. This license is required by makers of beer in this State. An exception under State and Federal law allows a person to produce up to 100 gallons of beer a year for his/her own consumption (maximum of 200 gallons per household). See also Small Beer Manufacturer (Type 23) for brewpubs and micro-breweries. “Beer manufacturer” means any person, except those manufacturing pursuant to BPC § 23356.2 (home brew), engaged in the manufacture of beer (BPC § 23012). This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

02 - Winegrower

Authorizes the production and sale of wine by wineries. The following pertains to new winegrowers’ licenses issued after September 17, 1965. A winegrower must have facilities and equipment for the conversion of fruit into wine and engage in the production of wine (BPC § 23013). Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulations permit a winegrower to use the facilities and equipment of another winegrower to produce wine. This is commonly referred to as an “alternating proprietorship.” Separate winegrower licenses are issued to each legal entity manufacturing wine under its own bonded winery permit. Wine must be made from the fermentation of agricultural products to which may be added brandy that is distilled from the same agricultural product from which the wine is made. Thus, neutral grain or other distilled spirits cannot be used to fortify wine – only brandy of a specific type. No more than 15% added flavoring or blending material may be added. (BPC § 23007). This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

03 - Brandy Manufacturer

The following pertains to brandy manufacturers’ licenses, and to duplicate brandy manufacturer’s licenses issued after September 17, 1965. This license authorizes the holder to manufacture only brandy and not other distilled spirits (BPC § 23014). Brandy made by the distillation of wine or fermented fruit. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

04 - Distilled Spirits Manufacturer

The following pertains to new distilled spirits manufacturer’s licenses issued after September 18, 1959. The Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Act defines a distilled spirits manufacturer as “…any person who produces distilled spirits from naturally fermented materials or in any other manner” (BPC § 23015). The functions of this type of license, in addition to that of production, include packaging, bottling, rectifying, flavoring and others as found within BPC § 23356. The functions apply only to distilled spirits; they do not include wine or beer. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

05 - Distilled Spirits Manufacturer's Agent

This license authorizes any of the following:

  1. The possession of distilled spirits in public or private warehouses.
  2. The exportation of distilled spirits.
  3. The cutting, blending, mixing, flavoring, and coloring of distilled spirits for his own account or for the account of a distilled spirits manufacturer, manufacturer’s agent, rectifier, or wholesaler.
  4. Whether cut, blended, mixed, flavored, or colored by him, or any other person, the packaging and the sale or delivery of distilled spirits only to holders of distilled spirits manufacturer’s, rectifier’s or distilled spirits wholesaler’s licenses.

A person need not actually engage in the cutting, blending, or bottling of distilled spirits in order to qualify for a distilled spirits manufacturer’s agent’s license.

06 - Still

Authorizes the use of a still used for the making of alcoholic beverages or capable of such use. According to the ABC Act, a still is “…any apparatus capable of being used for separating alcohol, or alcoholic vapors or solutions from alcohol or alcoholic solutions or mixtures …” Stills used for laboratory purposes or stills used solely for producing distilled water or other non-alcoholic beverages are exempt from licensing (BPC § 23034). (Generally, this license is not required to produce fuel alcohol.)

07 - Rectifier

This type of license is frequently referred to as a “distilled spirits rectifier’s license”, which is incorrect since the license also permits the rectification of wine. This licensee is authorized to cut, blend, rectify, mix, flavor, and color distilled spirits and wine upon which excise tax has been paid and, whether rectified by the licensee or another person, to package, label, export and sell the products to persons holding licenses authorizing the sale of distilled spirits (BPC §§ 23016, 23368). This licensee may sell distilled spirits and wine without the need for any other license, but they may not sell wine to a person who does not hold a license that also authorizes the sale of distilled spirits. A rectifier may also elect to function as a distilled spirits wholesaler, but when doing so, they must comply with all of the provisions applicable to a distilled spirits wholesaler (BPC § 23371).

08 - Wine Rectifier

The wine rectifier’s license is one in very limited use. Presently, there are no active Type 08 licenses. A rectifier’s license (Type 07) includes wine rectification privileges in addition to allowing distilled spirits rectification privileges. A wine blender’s license allows most of the same privileges as the wine rectifier’s license. A wine rectifier may only deal in “tax-paid” wine, unlike a wine blender who may process “in-bond” (non-tax paid) wine. A wine rectifier’s license authorizes the person to whom issued to cut, blend, mix, flavor, or color wine upon which excise tax has been paid, and whether so cut, blended, rectified, mixed, flavored, or colored by him, or any other person, to package, label, export, and sell the products to persons holding licenses authorizing the sale of wine (BPC § 23372).

09 - Beer and Wine Importer

This license is only issued to a person who holds another type of license which permits the sale of beer and wine for resale. This license has no sale privileges. It only permits the holder to import and export alcoholic beverages and to transfer the beverages to him/herself under another license (BPC § 23374).

10 - Beer and Wine Importer's General

This type of license is one frequently issued to agents for out-of-state breweries or wineries who refer to themselves as “brokers.” Such agents differ greatly from true brokers as is shown in the functions they perform. This license should also be held by companies representing manufacturers/suppliers where such companies have a physical marketing presence in California. This presence may consist of a regional sales office or one person/employee working out of his/her home while performing general missionary work. Another common situation requiring the holding of this license is where an out-of-state vendor imports beer or wine in its own name and uses the services of a licensed public warehouse for importation, storage and distribution of beer and wine to authorized licensees. BPC § 23374.6 authorizes the person to whom this license is issued to become an importer of beer or wine and to sell State tax-paid beer and wine to beer manufacturers, winegrowers, beer and wine wholesalers, wine rectifiers, and other beer and wine importer’s general licensees.

11 - Brandy Importer

This license is only issued to a person who holds another type of license which permits the sale of brandy for resale. It, however, may not be issued to a California Brandy Wholesaler (BPC § 23378.1). Brandy is included in the definition of distilled spirits (BPC § 23005).

12 - Distilled Spirits Importer

This license is only issued to a licensee who has another type of non-retail distilled spirits license. This license has no sale privileges. It only permits the holder to import and export alcoholic beverages, and to transfer the beverages to him/her under another license (BPC § 23374).

13 - Distilled Spirits Importer's General

This type of license is one most frequently issued to agents for out-of-state rectifiers, distilleries, or nation-wide import companies. Such agents differ greatly from true brokers as is shown in the functions they perform. This license should also be held by companies representing manufacturers/suppliers where such companies have a physical marketing presence in California. This presence may consist of a regional sales office or one person/employee working out of his/her home while performing general missionary work. Another situation requiring the holding of this license is where an out-of-state vendor imports distilled spirits in its own name and uses the services of a licensed public warehouse for importation, storage and distribution of distilled spirits to authorized licensees. A distilled spirits importer’s general license authorizes the person to whom issued to become an importer of distilled spirits and to sell distilled spirits to distilled spirits manufacturers, distilled spirits manufacturer’s agents, distilled spirits wholesalers, rectifiers and distilled spirits general importers (BPC § 23374.5).

14 - Public Warehouse

A public warehouse license is required for a warehouse licensee who provides warehouse service for alcoholic beverage licensees. This is distinguished from private warehouse permits, where a licensee has a leasehold or ownership interest and provides his/her own help at a premises other than that where licensed. The Act defines a public warehouse as “…any place licensed for the storage of, but not for sale of, alcohol, or alcoholic beverages, for the account of other licensees…” (BPC §§ 23036, 23375). A public warehouse is one of the types of premises to which imports may come to rest (BPC § 23661). It is also one of the types of premises from which a distilled spirits wholesaler may make deliveries if it is in the county where they are licensed (BPC § 23355.1).

15 - Customs Broker

This type of licensee will generally be located near the dock area in seaports or at international airports. The Customs Broker is also frequently located in port cities in building where many foreign consulates or commercial attaches have their offices.

Special Note: This department has taken the position that where a customs broker makes either entry or withdrawal in his own name, is identified as the responsible person and has a possessory right, the possibility of unlawful diversion into the internal commerce of the state exists. Under these circumstances, the department believes they should be subject to state control and, therefore, licensed. Conversely, if the customs broker is solely engaged as an agent for licensed importers and if all entries and/or withdrawal documents disclose the licensed importer as the principal, they need not be licensed by this department. However, the department strongly suggests that such persons apply for and hold Type 15 licenses to permit the flexibility needed to handle unforeseen special circumstances requiring licensure.

“Customs broker” means every person who is authorized to act as agent or broker for a person licensed as an importer or for a person whose place of business is without the state, in regard to the importing of alcoholic beverages into the state in United States Internal Revenue bond or in United States Customs bond. (BPC § 23019). The principal function of a customs broker is handling the paperwork and paying the duty on behalf of his principals on imported merchandise.

16 - Wine Broker

A wine broker is an independent contractor who acts as the agent in the sale of wine products. Typically, wine broker’s services are contracted by smaller wineries and wholesalers who cannot maintain their own in-house marketing representatives. A wine broker means every person, other than a salesman who is regularly employed by a licensee, who engages as an agent in the sale or purchase of wine for or on behalf of another or others for a fee or commission (BPC § 23020).

17 - Beer and Wine Wholesaler

The following pertains to beer and wine wholesalers generally. This permits incidental sales to other supplier-type licensees. However, to qualify as a bona fide wholesaler, a licensee must sell to retailers generally (BPC § 23779).

18 - Distilled Spirits Wholesaler

The following pertains to distilled spirits wholesalers generally. However, specific mention will be made of certain “grandfather” privileges with regard to tied-house situations and in regard to sales of merchandise other than alcoholic beverages. “Wholesale sale” means a sale of distilled spirits to any licensee for the purpose of resale (BPC § 23027). This permits incidental sales to other supplier-type licensees. However, to qualify as a bona fide wholesaler, a licensee must sell to retailers generally (BPC § 23779, CCR § 28).

19 - Industrial Alcohol Dealer

An industrial alcohol dealer sells alcohol for use in the trades, professions, and industries, but not for beverage use. They may sell to non-licensees only if they have a use permit issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). BPC § 23022 defines an industrial alcohol dealer as one who sells alcohol or distilled spirits in packages of more than one gallon for use in the trades, professions, or industries, but not for beverage use. BPC § 23380 authorizes a dealer to sell undenatured ethyl alcohol in packages of more than one gallon for use in the trades, professions, or industries and not for beverage consumption. It also authorizes the importation and exportation of undenatured ethyl alcohol. Undenatured ethyl alcohol is alcohol that is fit for beverage purposes as differentiated from denatured alcohol which is not fit for beverage purposes.

20 - Off-Sale Beer & Wine

Issued to retail stores. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises where sold. Minors are allowed on the premises.

21 - Off-Sale General

Issued to retail stores. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption off the premises where sold. Minors are allowed on the premises.

22 - Wine Blender

The following pertains to new wine blender’s licenses issued on and after February 3, 1968. A wine blender is a person authorized to operate a bonded wine cellar pursuant to a Federal Basic Permit issued by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) who does not have facilities or equipment for the conversion of fruit into wine and does not engage in the production of wine (BPC § 23013.5). Wine must be made from the fermentation of agricultural products to which may be added brandy which is distilled from the same agricultural product from which the wine is made. No other type of distilled spirits may be used to fortify wine. No more than 15% added flavoring or blending material may be added (BPC § 23007). A wine blender is not required to engage in blending, processing, or bottling wine. They may elect to operate only a warehouse facility for the storage of non-tax paid (“in-bond”) wine. This activity requires a Bonded Wine Cellar permit from TTB in addition to the wine blender license (BPC § 23770). Normally, the application fee for a wine blender license varies according to the total wine gallonage blended; however, an applicant who intends to operate only a bonded warehouse should pay the minimum fee.

23 - Small Beer Manufacturer

Authorizes the production and sale of beer by breweries which produce fewer than 60,000 barrels per year. The privileges and limitations for this type of license are generally the same as for other beer manufacturers. The primary differences include the license fees (see also Type 01 – Beer Manufacturer) and the ability to share a common licensed area under specific circumstances. A licensed beer manufacturer may, at the licensed premises of production, sell to consumers for consumption off the premises beer that is produced and bottled by, or produced and packaged for, that manufacturer (BPC § 23357). The most common users of this license are operators of micro-breweries and brewpubs. These designations are not to be construed as legal definitions. Their use below is only for descriptive purposes.

“Micro-brewery”: A small-scale brewery operation that generally produces approximately 15,000 barrels a year. Its beer products are primarily intended for local and/or regional consumption. Typically, these operations are solely dedicated to the production of specialty beers, although some do have a restaurant or pub on their manufacturing plant.

“Brewpub”: Typically, a very small brewery with a restaurant where the beer it produces is sold in draft form exclusively at its own premises. This operation often sells other supplier’s bottled beer, including other hand-crafted or micro-brewed beers as well as wine to patrons for consumption on its premises. See “Special Note” below.

Special Note: A brewpub-restaurant (Type 75) license, authorized under BPC § 23396.3, has a limited brewing privilege and may sometimes be referred to as “brewpub.” However, the Type 75 is an on-sale retail license with significant differences/limitations in license privileges from those of a true “beer manufacturer” (either Type 01 or Type 23).

This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

24 - Distilled Spirits Rectifier's General

A distilled spirits rectifier’s general license is similar to a rectifier’s license except that a distilled spirits rectifier’s general licensee may not rectify wine or sell distilled spirits to retailers. A distilled spirits rectifier’s general license authorizes the person to whom issued to cut, blend, rectify, mix, flavor, and color distilled spirits, and whether so cut, blended, mixed, flavored, or colored by him or any other person, to package, label, export, and sell the distilled spirits to distilled spirits manufacturers, distilled spirits manufacturer’s agents, distilled spirits wholesalers, distilled spirits general importers, rectifiers, and distilled spirits general rectifiers (BPC § 23368.1).

25 - California Brandy Wholesaler

This license is issued only to the holder of a beer and wine wholesaler’s license and authorizes the sale of brandy produced to persons holding licenses authorizing the sale of brandy. It also allows the exportation of such brandy by or for a winery whose wine the wholesaler handles.

26 - Out-of-State Beer Manufacturer's Certificate

This certificate is issued to beer manufacturers located within the United States that do not also manufacture beer in California. The certificate authorizes the shipment of beer to licensed importers. A licensed importer may obtain beer manufactured outside this state but within the U.S. only from the holder of an active out-of-state beer manufacturer’s certificate. This certificate has no sale privilege within California.

27 - California Winegrower's Agent

A California winegrower’s agent acts as the sole representative for a California winegrower or brandy manufacturer (BPC § 23373.2). This license authorizes the holder to possess wine and brandy produced in this State in public and private warehouses; to sell only to wholesalers for his/her own account or to solicit and make sales of wine or brandy made in California only to wholesalers for his/her principal, and to invoice and collect payments for orders solicited by them (BPC § 23373). This license does not authorize the holder to represent an out-of-state winegrower or brandy manufacturer.

28 - Out-of-State Distilled Spirits Shipper's Certificate

 This certificate authorizes the shipment of distilled spirits manufactured outside California to licensed importers in this state. A licensed importer may obtain distilled spirits only from the holder of an active out-of-state distilled spirits shipper’s certificate. This certificate has no sale privilege within California.

29 - Wine Grape Grower's Storage

This license was authorized by legislation in 1982 to enable wine grape growers to more effectively deal with unpredictable market conditions that periodically caused an oversupply of grapes. Subsequent legislation in 1985 expanded the number of licensees to whom a wine grape grower could sell wine. A wine grape grower’s storage license authorizes the holder to store bulk wine, made from grapes produced by the holder, on the premises of a licensed winegrower and to sell that wine, within this State to winegrowers, distilled spirits manufacturers, brandy manufacturers, wine blenders, and vinegar producers (BPC § 23358.3).

31 – Special Daily (beer, wine, distilled spirits)

Issued as a temporary daily license for On-Sale/Off-Sale General or On-Sale/Off-Sale Beer and Wine issued to a valid non-profit 501(c)(3) or other qualified organizations to sell alcoholic beverages via auction or online raffle for fundraising events. Alcoholic beverages can be obtained via donation or purchased from a licensee as specified by law. License duration varies in length. Law enforcement approval may be required (BPC §§ 24045.2, 24045.3, 24045.4, 24045.6, 24045.8, 24045.9, 25600).

This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires at least one person to be RBS trained and certified. This person must be present at the event and actively oversee the alcohol service for the entire duration of the event. Local municipalities may require more than one server to be RBS certified. Please check your local ordinances.

34 – Daily Beer and Wine

Issued as a temporary daily license for On-Sale Beer and Wine issued to a valid non-profit 501(c)(3) or other qualified organizations for fundraising events. License allows on-site consumption to the general public. Sale of alcoholic beverages for off-sale is prohibited.  Law enforcement approval may be required (BPC § 24045, CCR § 59).

This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires at least one person to be RBS trained and certified. This person must be present at the event and actively oversee the alcohol service for the entire duration of the event. Local municipalities may require more than one server to be RBS certified. Please check your local ordinances.

37 – Daily General

Issued as a temporary daily license for On-Sale General issued to a valid non-profit 501(c)(3) or other qualified organizations for fundraising events. License allows on-site consumption to the general public. Sale of alcoholic beverages for off-sale is prohibited. Beer and wine may be purchased from a retailer or wholesaler.  Law enforcement approval may be required (BPC § 24045.1, CCR § 59.5).

This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires at least one person to be RBS trained and certified. This person must be present at the event and actively oversee the alcohol service for the entire duration of the event. Local municipalities may require more than one server to be RBS certified. Please check your local ordinances.

40 - On-Sale Beer

Issued to bars and taverns. Authorizes the sale of beer for consumption on or off the premises where sold. No wine or distilled spirits may be on the premises. Full meals are not required; however, sandwiches or snacks must be available. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

41 - On-Sale Beer & Wine - Eating Place

Issued to restaurants. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Distilled spirits may not be on the premises (except brandy, rum, or liqueurs for use solely for cooking purposes). Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities and must make actual and substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

42 - On-Sale Beer & Wine - Public Premises

Issued to bars and taverns. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption on or off the premises where sold. No distilled spirits may be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see BPC § 25663.5 for exception, musicians). Food service is not required. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

43 - On-Sale Beer and Wine Train

Issued to trains which are ambulatory (non-medical) in nature. Transferable to other trains but not to a specific location. Alcoholic beverages may only be served to passengers and employees not on duty. No duplicate licenses are issued. For multiple train routes, original licenses must be obtained for each route that serves alcoholic beverages (BPC §§ 23397, 24043). This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

44 - On-Sale Beer Fishing Party Boat

Issued to vessels which provide paying customers a fishing or social event lasting a day or a specific set of hours. Vessels may have a fixed bar or dance floor. Alcoholic beverages are not to be sold or consumed when vessels are docked (BPC § 23397). A copy of the licensees’ Coast Guard Certificate and dock/pier owner authority document are required. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

45 - On-Sale Beer and Wine Boat

Issued to vessels which provide paying customers a social event lasting a day or a specific set of hours. Vessels may have a fixed bar or dance floor. Alcoholic beverages are not to be sold or consumed while vessels are at any dock, except sales of alcoholic beverages to passengers allowed at home port dock 30 minutes prior to departing scheduled trips and 30 minutes after returning to home dock (CCR § 55.5). A copy of the licensees’ Coast Guard Certificate and dock/pier owner authority document are required. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

46 - On-Sale Beer and Wine Airplane

Issued out of the district office where the airline is headquartered. This license authorizes the sale, service, and consumption of beer and wine to passengers of a licensed airline. Routes that originate or terminate within the state must be licensed. Duplicate licenses are required for each scheduled flight wherever alcoholic beverages are sold (BPC § 23664). This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

47 - On-Sale General - Eating Place

Issued to restaurants. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licensed premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities and must make actual and substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

48 - On-Sale General - Public Premises

Issued to bars and night clubs. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises where sold. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (see BPC § 25663.5 for exception, musicians). Food service is not required. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

49 - On-Sale General - Seasonal

Authorizes the same privileges and restrictions as provided for a Type 47 license except it is issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

50 – On-Sale General Club

This license is no longer available for purchase and can only be transferred from one premises to another premises.  A licensee holding this license may sell and serve beer, wine, and distilled spirits only to club members and their guests. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

51 - Club

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. No off-sale privileges. Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

52 - Veteran’s Club

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises only to bona fide members of the licensed organization, their bona fide guests, and bona fide members of other veterans’ organizations, active duty or reserve members of the Armed Forces, or veterans as defined in California Government Code § 18540.4. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

53 – On-Sale General Train

This license allows for the sale and service of beer, wine, and distilled spirits to passengers of a licensed train operating in this State. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

54 – On-Sale General Boat

This license allows for the sale and service of beer, wine, and distilled spirits to passengers of a licensed boat.  This license may be issued to the owner, lessee or operator of a boat carrying passengers for hire.

55 – On-Sale General Airplane

This license allows for the sale and service of beer, wine, and distilled spirits to passengers of a licensed airline. 

56 – On-Sale General Vessel 1000 Tons

This license allows for the sale and service of beer, wine, and distilled spirits to passengers of a licensed vessel of more than 1000 tons burden that is engaged in interstate and foreign commerce.  This license may be issued to the owner, lessee or operator of a vessel carrying passengers for hire. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

57 - Special On-Sale General

Generally issued to certain organizations who cannot qualify for club licenses. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits, to members and guests only, for consumption on the premises where sold. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine, to members and guests only, for consumption off the licensed premises. Food service is not required. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

58 - Caterer's Permit

This permit allows certain licensees to cater alcoholic beverages off-site.  For further information regarding a caterer’s permit, please see our Caterer’s Permit page. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

59 - On-Sale Beer and Wine - Seasonal

Authorizes the same privileges as a Type 41. Issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

60 - On-Sale Beer - Seasonal

Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the premises where sold. Issued for a specific season. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. Wine or distilled spirits may not be on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

61 - On-Sale Beer - Public Premises

Issued to bars and taverns. Authorizes the sale of beer only for consumption on or off the licensed premises. Wine or distilled spirits may not be on the premises. Minors are not allowed to enter and remain (warning signs required). Food service is not required. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

62 - On-Sale General Dockside, 7000 tons

Issued to vessels of more than 7,000 tons with berth capacity of at least 75 passengers. Must also possess Type 56 On-Sale General Vessel license. Allows sales of alcoholic beverages to general public aboard vessel when berthed in county where licensed. Sales are incidental to passenger operations of the vessel. License privileges may not be exercised more than 100 calendar days in any county during any calendar year (BPC § 23321.7). Alcoholic beverages must be purchased from supplier level licensees. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

63 – On-Sale Special Beer and Wine Hospital

This license allows for the sale and service of beer and wine to patients or residents of a licensed hospital, convalescent home or rest home. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

64 – Special On-Sale General for Nonprofit Theater Company

This license may be issued to certain nonprofit theater companies as specified in BPC § 24045.7.  Theater companies holding this license may sell and serve alcoholic beverages to ticketholders only during, and two hours prior to and one hour after, a bona fide theater performance of the company.  For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 24045.7. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

65 - Special On-Sale Beer and Wine Symphony

This license is no longer available for purchase but may be transferred to another person or premises.

A symphony association holding a license under this section may sell and serve beer and wine to persons attending concerts on the licensed premises.  Sales of alcoholic beverages are only to be permitted during the period commencing two hours before the performance and ending one hour after the performance. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

66 - Controlled Access Cabinet Permits

These permits are issued to licensed hotels or motels and allow for the sale of packaged distilled spirits in guestrooms.  The distilled spirits sold pursuant to these permits shall be in containers of 50 milliliters or less and must be secured in a locked cabinet. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

67 - Bed and Breakfast Inn

Authorizes the sale of wine purchased from a licensed winegrower or wine wholesaler only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. No beer or distilled spirits may be on the premises. Wine shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the wine shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation. Removal of wine from the grounds is not permitted. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

68 - Portable Bar License

These licenses are issued to premises licensed with a permanent Type 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 57, or 70 license and allow for the sale and service of beer, wine, and distilled spirits from portable bars within the licensed premises.  Each portable bar must be licensed and may be moved to different rooms or areas of the licensed premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

69 - Special On-Sale Beer and Wine Theater

This license allows qualified non-profit theater companies to sell and serve beer and wine to ticket holders.  Sales and service of beer and wine may only occur during and two hours prior to a bona fide theater performance of the company. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

70 - On-Sale General - Restrictive Service

Authorizes the sale or furnishing of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the premises to the establishment’s overnight transient occupancy guests or their invitees. This license is normally issued to “suite-type” hotels and motels, which exercise the license privileges for guests’ “complimentary” happy hour. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

71 – Special On-Sale General for a For-Profit Theater within the City and County of San Francisco

This license may be issued to certain for-profit theater companies within the City and County of San Francisco as specified in BPC § 24045.75. Theater companies holding this license may permit sales, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the lobbies and seating areas of the theater for the period beginning two consecutive hours prior to a live theatrical performance and ending one hour after the live theatrical performance is completed, subject to BPC § 25631.  For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 24045.75. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

72 – Special On-Sale General for a For-Profit Theater within the county of Napa

This license may be issued to certain for-profit theater companies within the county of Napa as specified in BPC § 24045.77.  Theater companies holding this license may permit sales, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the lobbies and seating areas of the theater for the period beginning two consecutive hours prior to a live theatrical performance and ending three hours after the live theatrical performance is completed, subject to BPC § 25631. For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 24045.77. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

73 - Special Non-Profit Sales License

This license may be issued to a certain non-profit mutual benefit corporation that meets the requirements of BPC § 23786. For further information about this license type, please refer to BPC § 23786. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

74 - Craft Distiller

This license authorizes the commercial manufacture of up to 150,000 gallons of distilled spirits per fiscal year, and allows the packaging, blending, mixing, flavoring, coloring, labeling, and exportation of distilled spirits manufactured by the licensee. It also authorizes the sale of distilled spirits that are manufactured and packaged by the licensee to wholesalers, manufacturers, winegrowers, manufacturer’s agents, or rectifiers that hold a license authorizing the sale of distilled spirits. In addition, the licensee may sell up to the equivalent of 2.25 liters per consumer per day of distilled spirits manufactured by the licensee to a consumer at the licensed premises. A craft distiller may also sell all beers, wines, brandies, and distilled spirits to consumers for consumption at a bona fide eating place upon the licensed premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

75 - Brewpub-Restaurant

Issued to restaurants. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on a bona fide eating place plus a limited amount of brewing of beer. A brewpub-restaurant licensee may, at the licensed premises, sell beer produced and packaged by the licensee to consumers for consumption off the premises (BPC § 23396.3). Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

76 – On-Sale General Maritime Museum Association

This license is no longer available for purchase but may be transferred to another person.  A maritime museum association holding this license may sell and serve beer, wine, and distilled spirits to persons attending pre-arranged events held onboard its vessels while those vessels are underway or while moored at their home port dock. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

77 - Event Permit

This permit allows certain licensees to sell beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on property adjacent to the licensed premises that is owned or under the control of the licensee. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

For further information regarding an event permit, please see our Event Authorization page.

78 – On-Sale General for Wine, Food and Art Cultural Museum, and Educational Center

This license may be issued to certain persons that meet the requirements of BPC § 23396.2. For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 23396.2. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

79 - Certified Farmers' Market Permit

A licensee under a winegrower’s license (Type 02) may apply to the department for a certified farmers’ market sales permit.

A certified farmers’ market sales permit shall authorize the licensee, a member of the licensee’s family, or an employee of the licensee to sell wine produced and bottled by the winegrower entirely from grapes grown by the winegrower at a certified farmers’ market at a place in the state approved by the department.

80 - Bed and Breakfast Inn – General

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits purchased from a licensed wholesaler or winegrower only to registered guests of the establishment for consumption on the premises. Alcoholic beverages shall not be given away to guests, but the price of the alcoholic beverage shall be included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation. Removal of alcoholic beverages from the grounds is not permitted. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

81 - Wine Sales Event Permit

Any licensee holding a Winegrowers License (Type 02) may apply for a wine sales event permit. A wine sales event permit authorizes the licensee to sell bottled wine produced by the winegrower for consumption off the premises where sold and only at fairs, festivals or cultural events sponsored by designated tax-exempt organizations, or similar events approved by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).  For further information regarding a wine sales event permit, please see our Wine Sales Event Permits page.

82 – Wine Direct Shipper Permit

This permit authorizes winegrowers located in other states to sell and ship wine directly to residents of California who are at least 21 years of age. This permit is not issued to winegrowers in foreign countries and such entities are not permitted to sell and ship wine to adult residents of California.

83 – General On-Sale License to Caterer

This license may be issued to certain persons that meet the requirements of BPC § 24045.17.  For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 24045.17. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

84 - Certified Farmers' Market Beer Sales Permit

A licensee under a Beer Manufacturer (Type 01) or Small Beer Manufacturer (Type 23) license may apply to the department for a Certified Farmers’ market Beer Sales Permit.

A Certified Farmers’ Market Beer Sales Permit authorizes the licensee to sell sealed containers of beer for off-site consumption to consumers at certified farmers’ markets.

85 - Limited Off-Sale - Wine License

The Limited Off Sale Wine License allows for the sale of wine to consumers for consumption off the licensed premises.  Sales are restricted to those solicited and accepted via direct mail, telephone, or the Internet and may not be conducted from a retail premises open to the public. 

86 - Instructional Tasting License

The Instructional Tasting License allows the tasting of beer, wine and/or distilled spirits at off-sale licensed premises. The quantity and number of tastings that may be offered to consumers is limited. This license can only be held in conjunction with a qualified off-sale license. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

87 – Special On-Sale General License for Specified Census Tracts in the City/County of San Francisco

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licensed premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Minors are allowed on the premises. This license type is limited in the number available and may only be issued to certain premises which meet the requirements of BPC § 23826.13. For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 23826.13. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

88 – Special On-Sale General License for a For-Profit Cemetery with Specified Characteristics

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. This license may only be issued to a specific premises which meets the requirements of BPC § 24045.76. For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC § 24045.76. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

90 – On-Sale General – Music Venue

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits at retail for consumption on the premises in a music entertainment facility, as defined in BPC § 23550. Sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages are limited to the time period from 2 hours before a live performance until one hour after the live performance. Minors are allowed on the premises. For further information regarding this license type, please see BPC §§ 23550, 23552. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.

99 - On-Sale General for Special Use

Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the licensed premises. This license may only be issued to the unique premises and/or entity which meet the requirements of either BPC § 23399.52 or § 24045.78. This license type is subject to Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) requirements and requires alcohol servers and managers of alcohol servers to be RBS certified.


For additional information,
contact your local ABC District Office.

- OR -



4800 Stockdale Highway., Suite 213
Bakersfield, CA 93309

(661) 395-2731
(661) 322-5929



1800 Sutter St., Ste 450
Concord, CA 94520

(925) 655-6314
(925) 655-6310



1105 Sixth St., Suite C
Eureka, CA 95501

(707) 445-7229
(707) 445-6643



1330 B East Shaw Ave.
Fresno, CA 93710-7902

(559) 225-6334
(559) 225-8740



888 S Figueroa Street, Suite 320
Los Angeles, CA 90017

(213) 833-6043
(213) 833-6058



3950 Paramount Blvd., Suite 250
Lakewood, CA 90712

(562) 982-1337
(562) 275-4174



3021 Reynolds Ranch Parkway, Suite 150
Lodi, CA 95240

(209) 371-6761
(209) 371-6763



222 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 114
Monrovia, CA 91016

(626) 256-3241
(626) 263-9858

Palm Desert


34-160 Gateway Dr., Suite 120
Palm Desert, CA 92211

(760) 324-2027
(760) 324-2632



1900 Churn Creek Rd., Suite 215
Redding, CA 96002

(530) 224-4830
(530) 224-9338



3737 Main Street, Suite 900
Riverside, CA 92501

(951) 782-4400
(951) 781-0531



2400 Del Paso Road, Suite 155
Sacramento, CA 95834

(916) 419-1319
(916) 419-3994



1137 Westridge Parkway
Salinas, CA 93907

(831) 755-1990
(831) 755-1997

San Diego


8620 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 302
San Diego, CA 92123

(858) 300-6855
(858) 300-6874

San Francisco


33 New Montgomery St., Suite 1230
San Francisco, CA 94105

(415) 356-6500
(415) 356-6501
(415) 356-6502
(415) 356-6503
(415) 356-6599

San Jose


224 Airport Parkway, Suite 620
San Jose, CA 95110

(408) 346-2417
(408) 346-2413

San Luis Obispo


3220 S. Higuera St., Suite 103A
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

(805) 543-7183
(805) 543-3814

San Marcos


570 Rancheros Drive, Suite 240
San Marcos, CA 92069

(760) 471-4237
(760) 471-6142

Santa Ana


2 MacArthur Place, Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92707

(657) 205-3533
(657) 205-3520

Santa Rosa


50 D Street, Room 130
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

(707) 576-2165

Van Nuys


6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 220
Van Nuys, CA 91401

(818) 901-5017
(818) 785-6731



1000 South Hill Road, Suite 310
Ventura, CA 93003

(805) 289-0100
(805) 289-0110