Winegrowers/Blenders Reports Completely Online for License Administrators
Sacramento – The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has enhanced its Online Services Winegrowers/Wine Blenders report feature. All Winegrowers and Wine Blenders can now submit their report within minutes using their License Administrator or designee account online.
“Adding this new Online Services feature continues our efforts to modernize ABC’s business practices, which will ultimately provide greater efficiency for our licensees,” said Licensing Division Chief Jaime Taylor.
With this enhancement, Form ABC-261 will no longer be mailed to licensees. License Administrators must report online by adding their license to their account. Once the license has been added, License Administrators or their designees can enter the total number of gallons produced or blended for the prior fiscal year. The report will show the amount paid for their license renewal, the gallons entered, the total fee required, and the amount to be paid or refunded if applicable. If licensees owe an additional fee, they can submit an online payment immediately.
The License Administrator role was added to ABC’s Online Services in May 2022, and ABC added the License Administrator Designee role in May 2023. The License Administrator has the authority to manage ABC licenses online. A License Administrator Designee is someone the License Administrator invites to help manage licenses or Responsible Beverage Service server rosters.
Licensees can create a user account with a License Administrator role on ABC’s Online Services website. Creating an account requires a validation code for each license. New validation codes will be mailed to winegrowers and wine blenders in early July.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Public Information Office
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2525