New License Application

The forms and documents required to apply for a new ABC license, based on the ownership structure of the business.


Visit our glossary for definitions of retail and non-retail, and common business ownership structures.

Sole Owner

All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.
ABC-069 Required Required Statement of Citizenship, Alien and Immigration Status and supporting document (e.g., certified copy of birth certificate or passport; See List A and B) – Required if you are applying as sole owner (includes U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals and Aliens).

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.


All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.


All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.
ABC-243NEW Required Required Corporate Questionnaire

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.
  • Articles of Incorporation.
  • Copy of Minutes Showing the Election of Current Officers and Directors or corporate secretary’s Certificate of Incumbency.
  • Copy of Stock Register or Copies of Stock Certificates that are issued and next sequential blank/unissued certificate (copy of certificates may be required if stock register is questionable).
  • Copy of Certificate of Qualification – Required for out-of-state corporations. Obtain from Secretary of State, Business Programs Division (916) 653-2318.

Limited Liability Company

All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.
ABC-256-LLC Required Required Limited Liability Company Questionnaire.

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.
  • Copy of Form LLC-1, Articles or Organization – Obtain from Secretary of State, (916) 653-3365.
  • Copy of Form LLC-5, Application for Registration as Foreign Limited Liability Company (endorsement file stamped by Secretary of State) – For out-of-state limited liability companies.
  • Copy of written Operating Agreement and any amendments, if any (if Designated LLC Manager, Managing Member, or Designated officer to sign on behalf of all parties, that person/company must be listed in the agreement).

Limited Partnership

All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.
ABC-256 Required Required Limited Partnership Questionnaire.

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.
  • Copy of Form LP-1, Certificate of Limited Partnership. Obtain from the Secretary of State, (916) 653-3365.
  • Copy of Form LP-5, Application for Registration as Foreign Limited Partnership (endoresement file stamped by Secretary of State) – Required for out-of-state limited partnership.
  • Copy of Limited Partnership Agreement and any amendments (LP2, Amendment to Certificate of Limited Partnership)


All forms and documents listed below are required to submit your application. Refer to the current Application Fee Schedule and Annual Fee Schedule for all applicable fees and surcharges.



Form Retail License Non-Retail License Description
ABC-140 Required Required Certificate re Chapter 15 Tied-House Restrictions – Required for corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies. For applicant entity only (not its parents, related entities, or individuals).
ABC-208-A Required Required Individual Personal Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-208-B Required Required Individual Financial Affidavit – Must be completed by (a) sole owners; (b) each general partner; (c) persons holding 10 percent or more of the capital or stock of a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership; and (d) spouses. Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC employee.
ABC-211-SIGNEW Required Required Application Signature Sheet (“Sign On”) – Signature page for applicants who are unable to appear at the ABC district office to sign the application Form ABC-211. Signatures must be notarized.
ABC-217 Required Required Application Questionnaire – Signatures must be notarized or witnessed by an ABC Employee. See form instructions.
ABC-247 Required Not Required Statement re: Residences (Rule 61.4, Residences Within 100 feet).
ABC-251 Required Not Required Statement re: Consideration Points (Schools, Hospital, Churches, Public Playgrounds, Parks and Youth Facilities).
ABC-253 Required Required Supplemental Diagram – Drawing of the real property you own or otherwise control. An exterior view of the premises and surrounding area, including cross streets.
ABC-255 Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 17/20 combo license Zoning Affidavit – Contact your city or county planning department for information to complete the form.
ABC-257NEW Required Required Licensed Premises Diagram/Planned Operation – Drawing of your floor plan, including overall dimensions and patios to be licensed, and description of proposed operation.
ABC-258NEW Required Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Planned Operations Retail.
ABC-259NEW Not required, unless applying for the Type 75 or Type 85 Required Planned Operations Non-Retail. See form instructions.

Other Documents

  • State-issued identification, driver’s license or passport for person(s) appearing at ABC to sign application.
  • You may need to provide verification (proof) of the source of your funds (e.g., bank statements, savings passbooks, loan papers, real estate papers, financial statement, gift/loan letters, etc.).
  • Copy of Conditional use Permit – Or receipt showing that CUP application has been submitted. Obtain from your city or county planning department.
  • Trust Agreement


For additional information,
contact your local district office.

- OR -



4800 Stockdale Highway., Suite 213
Bakersfield, CA 93309

(661) 395-2731
(661) 322-5929



1800 Sutter St., Ste 450
Concord, CA 94520

(925) 655-6314
(925) 655-6310



1105 Sixth St., Suite C
Eureka, CA 95501

(707) 445-7229
(707) 445-6643



1330 B East Shaw Ave.
Fresno, CA 93710-7902

(559) 225-6334
(559) 225-8740



888 S Figueroa Street, Suite 320
Los Angeles, CA 90017

(213) 833-6043
(213) 833-6058



3950 Paramount Blvd., Suite 250
Lakewood, CA 90712

(562) 982-1337
(562) 275-4174



3021 Reynolds Ranch Parkway, Suite 150
Lodi, CA 95240

(209) 371-6761
(209) 371-6763



222 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 114
Monrovia, CA 91016

(626) 256-3241
(626) 263-9858

Palm Desert


34-160 Gateway Dr., Suite 120
Palm Desert, CA 92211

(760) 324-2027
(760) 324-2632



1900 Churn Creek Rd., Suite 215
Redding, CA 96002

(530) 224-4830
(530) 224-9338



3737 Main Street, Suite 900
Riverside, CA 92501

(951) 782-4400
(951) 781-0531



2400 Del Paso Road, Suite 155
Sacramento, CA 95834

(916) 419-1319
(916) 419-3994



1137 Westridge Parkway
Salinas, CA 93907

(831) 755-1990
(831) 755-1997

San Diego


8620 Spectrum Center Blvd., Suite 302
San Diego, CA 92123

(858) 300-6855
(858) 300-6874

San Francisco


33 New Montgomery St., Suite 1230
San Francisco, CA 94105

(415) 356-6500
(415) 356-6501
(415) 356-6502
(415) 356-6503
(415) 356-6599

San Jose


224 Airport Parkway, Suite 620
San Jose, CA 95110

(408) 346-2417
(408) 346-2413

San Luis Obispo


3220 S. Higuera St., Suite 103A
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

(805) 543-7183
(805) 543-3814

San Marcos


570 Rancheros Drive, Suite 240
San Marcos, CA 92069

(760) 471-4237
(760) 471-6142

Santa Ana


2 MacArthur Place, Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92707

(657) 205-3533
(657) 205-3520

Santa Rosa


50 D Street, Room 130
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

(707) 576-2165

Van Nuys


6150 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 220
Van Nuys, CA 91401

(818) 901-5017
(818) 785-6731



1000 South Hill Road, Suite 310
Ventura, CA 93003

(805) 289-0100
(805) 289-0110