Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program

Responsible Beverage Service training teaches servers to responsibly serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption and mitigate alcohol-related harm in California communities. View the RBS requirements and deadlines in our multi-language flyer.


On-premises alcoholic beverage servers and their managers must register in the RBS Portal.


Complete your training from an authorized RBS Training Provider.


Pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification Exam within 30 days of your confirmed training.

What is the RBS Training Program?

Assembly Bill 1221 (2017) created the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program Act with the intention of reducing alcohol-related harm to local communities. The bill required the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to create the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program (RBSTP) to ensure on-premises servers of alcoholic beverages and their managers are educated on the dangers of serving alcohol to minors and over-serving patrons.

Approximately 56,000 ABC licensees have on-premises alcohol sales privileges, which means alcohol can be consumed on site. On-premises locations include, but are not limited to, bars, restaurants, tasting rooms, clubs, stadiums, movie theaters, hotels, and caterers (see full list).

To meet the new training requirement, any on-premises alcohol server or manager must register in the RBS Portal, take training from an authorized RBS Training Provider, and pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification exam within 30 days of their confirmed training. RBS training courses are offered in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The exam is available in English, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Servers and managers must be certified within 60 days of their first date of employment.

RBS server certifications are valid for three years. Servers must be recertified prior to their expiration date to remain valid. RBS servers and license administrators with an RBS server roster will receive email notifications prior to the server’s expiration date.

Approved Training Provider Disclaimer: The department has certified that the curricula presented by the approved training providers meets the requirements set forth in the California Code of Regulations Title 4 §§162-166. The department’s review is limited to the content required by the aforementioned regulations, therefore, the department cannot confirm the accuracy of any non-regulated content. If you have questions about the accuracy of the information provided by one of the training providers, or object to the manner in which the information was presented, please contact the training provider. Approved training providers are not employees of the department or otherwise affiliated with the department.

Mission of the Responsible Beverage Service Training Program  

Our mission is to ensure effective Responsible Beverage Service training for servers and their managers to curb harm related to underage drinking and the overuse of alcohol in California communities.


For alcohol server registration assistance or general assistance with RBS contact:

Online Services
Phone: (916) 318-6435

Translation Services

For training provider assistance or questions about RBS requirements contact:

3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, effective July 1, 2022, RBS training is required by CA Assembly Bill 1221 and Assembly Bill 82 for on-premises alcoholic beverage servers and their managers. The regulations have been incorporated into the California Code of Regulations, Title 4, Article 25, Sections 160-173

The RBS informational multi-language flyer is available to download in multiple languages. RBS training courses are offered in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The exam is available in English, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. To change the language when you take the exam, select Language next to your name and choose from the available languages.

As of Monday, March 29, 2021, ABC will begin approving AB 1221 compliant RBS training courses from a variety of approved RBS training providers. The Department will be adding additional training provider courses as they are approved. Servers may search for approved RBS training providers via the RBS Portal.

To renew your certification, you must pay your recertification fee, take training from an authorized RBS Training Provider, and pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification exam within 30 days of your confirmed training. Log in to your RBS Server account and click Pay Renewal from the Renewal Notice. Once your payment is complete, return to your Server dashboard to search for a training provider.