Alcohol Policing Partnership
The mission of the Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Program is to work with law enforcement agencies to develop an effective, comprehensive, and strategic approach to eliminating the crime and public nuisance problems associated with problematic alcoholic beverage outlets and then institutionalize those approaches within the local police agency.
Now Accepting APP Grant Applications!
The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control anticipates awarding grants of up to $100,000 to local law enforcement agencies.
The mission of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) is to provide the highest level of service and public safety to the people of the state through licensing, education, and enforcement.
In 1995, ABC embarked on a new and innovative approach to broaden and increase the level of alcoholic beverage law enforcement by working in partnership with cities and counties through a grant assistance project.
Prior to this program, most contacts between ABC, local public agencies, and community groups generally occurred on a case-by-case basis for individual retail outlets. There was no systematic, proactive strategy to address alcohol-related problems at the point of sale on a community-wide scale.
Problem retail outlets, even though they represent a small percentage of total licensees, become magnets for crime and the “broken windows” in our communities, which, unless fixed quickly, become the norm and deteriorate the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Communities with a high concentration of alcohol outlets experience a greater number of alcohol-related problems. Problematic operations contribute disproportionately to the incidence of drug dealing, public drunkenness, drunk driving, underage drinking, assaults, and other conditions that breed neighborhood decay. Excessive complaints and calls for service at problem outlets divert already scarce police resources.
In the early 1990s, budget reductions at the state and local levels greatly reduced law enforcement staff assigned to alcoholic beverage law enforcement. Many of the state’s police and sheriff’s departments re-prioritized their missions and diverted their ABC-related enforcement resources to other areas, such as violent crime suppression and street patrol. There is now a strong movement by cities and communities for more rigorous enforcement to control the increasing number of alcohol outlets that have become focal points for crime.
Goals and Objectives
The main goals of the program are to:
- Achieve the goals and objectives of the local enforcement agency’s grant agreements.
- Establish close working relationships between ABC district offices and the grant agencies.
- Prioritize law enforcement efforts and target those licensed outlets that cause alcohol-related crimes.
- Develop records management systems to ensure police reports are systematically sent to the ABC district offices as required by law.
- Assist in the training of local law enforcement.
Program Components
To achieve its goals, the program emphasizes a “full-court press” strategy in correcting or eliminating alcohol-related problems at the point of sale, with a strong emphasis on comprehensive enforcement tactics. The approach brings all available federal, state, and local resources to bear on the problem.
Individual grant agencies implement the full-court press through a variety of innovative project objectives, which usually include training law enforcement personnel, community involvement, prevention, enforcement, records management and data systems, liaison with the ABC district office, and media involvement.
Experienced ABC agents are assigned to each of the grant agencies. Each agency’s grant officers receive training in ABC law, alcohol enforcement strategies and tactics, administrative license revocation procedures, and community resources. The APP Unit investigates the problem outlets and prepares cases for appropriate criminal, administrative, or civil action.
Community Involvement
The APP Unit involves the community in many ways, including showing residents how to maintain logs of nuisance conditions from nearby alcohol outlets.
Prevention Strategies
The APP Unit uses existing ABC prevention and education programs such as LEAD (Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs) and IMPACT (Informed Merchants Preventing Alcohol-Related Crime Tendencies), and they create new ones. Generally, the APP Unit uses prevention strategies as a prelude to enforcement action. Education and prevention measures aim at institutionalizing responsible serving and selling practices in the industry.
Enforcement Strategies
During the grant period, ABC enforcement personnel work with the grant agencies and the community to identify problem alcohol outlets. The APP Unit then targets problem outlets for investigation. In addition to undercover investigations, strategies include programs such as Citizen’s Arrest, Cops in Shops®, Minor Decoy, Shoulder Tap, and ROSTF (Retail Operating Standards Task Force).
Records Management and Data Systems
During the grant period, grant agencies devise new and improved systems to (a) ensure police reports are systematically sent to the ABC district office as required by law, and (b) track alcohol-related data and crime at licensed outlets. Many agencies have developed systems that make it easier to gather, track, and maintain alcohol-related crime data.
Building Liaison
Prior to receiving an ABC grant, some agencies already had a close working relationship with the local ABC District Office. Others develop the relationships through the APP Program.
Grant agencies use the media to effectively publicize their activities. Media stories are generally positive, highlighting how the grant funds are used to crack down on alcohol-related crime. The media coverage helps bring about voluntary compliance among licensees who may be unaware of the law.
Results and Impacts
The program’s success can be measured quantitatively by the reduction in alcohol-related arrests, crimes, and calls for service in many jurisdictions. Further quantitative measures include the number of administrative accusations registered, arrests and citations, decoy programs, and community outreach meetings. Qualitative measures include declarations of satisfaction from local officers and community members, and visible improvements in the physical conditions of targeted communities.
The main success of the program has been its effectiveness in strengthening the working relationship between ABC and the various local law enforcement agencies in California. This state and local partnership results in a more effective use of human resources, a reduction in crime, and a more efficient use of taxpayer funds. Of great interest have been the many businesses that voluntarily take active steps to eliminate loitering, litter, graffiti, drug paraphernalia, and excessive signage in windows.
The results have reduced calls for police service and improved conditions in neighborhoods negatively impacted by liquor stores and bars. Also notable is the program’s success in working with communities sponsoring large special events, which in the past resulted in violence and crime, with alcohol being one of the root causes.
ABC is a special fund agency. Its budget and this program are funded entirely by license fees from the alcoholic beverage industry.
Grant Forms & Resources
Effective January 31, 2025, ABC will award grants up to $100,000 to local law enforcement agencies. These grants will enable the selected agencies to expand their current efforts in addressing alcohol-related problems through a comprehensive ABC program that will encompass a wide range of strategies. If your agency is selected, your sworn officers assigned to the project will work closely with ABC agents and receive training in ABC law, alcohol enforcement strategies, and community resources.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) package contains all the information and forms needed to prepare and submit a proposal. Agencies are limited to submitting one proposal per agency. All proposals (no faxed copies) must be received by 5 p.m. on April 1, 2025. Proposals received after the due date and time will be ineligible for consideration.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Kristine Okino, Grant Coordinator
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2572
Fax: (916) 419-2599
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes you can.
No, use current forms. Past forms can have important requirements missing that are essential in a properly submitted RFP.