Industry Advisory Archives
- California Wildfires Advisory Information for ABC Licensees (10/20)
- Beer Price Posting Automation (12/19)
- Important Announcement about ABC Relocation of Services (12/19)
- Micro-Enterprise Home Kitchens (MEHK’s) FAQ (11/19)
- Sonoma County Fires Information for ABC Licensees (10/19)
- Human Trafficking Public Notice for Type 48 Licensees (6/19)
- Wine, Beer and Spirits Club Renewals (6/19)
- Cannabis and Alcoholic Beverages (2/19)
- California Fires Information for ABC Licensees (12/18)
- Contests and Sweepstakes – Updated (1/18)
- The Craft Distillers Act of 2015 – Updated (1/18)
- North Bay Fires Information for ABC Licensees (10/17)
- Beer Brand Registration (9/17)
- Expanded Privileges for Winegrower Licensees – Updated (8/17)
- High Proof Alcoholic Beverages (5/17)
- Passport Event Guidelines (3/16)
- Super Bowl 50 Guidance (1/16)
- Tied-House Exception for Sponsorship of Certain Events in Napa County (1/16)
- Ownership of Licensed Beer Manufacture by Holder of On-Sale Licenses (12/15)
- Amendments to Restrictions on Listing Retailers (12/15)
- Beer Tasting at Farmers’ Markets (12/15)
- Retailer and Non-Retailer Involvement in Non-Profit Events (11/15)
- Merchandising Services Furnished by Suppliers to Retail Licensees (12/14)
- Sales of Beer by Beer Manufacturers (1/14)
- Supplier Entertainment of Consumers at Invitation-Only Events (1/14)
- Supplier-sponsored Autographings at Off-Sale Retail Premises (2/13)
- Self-Posting License Suspension Notices of Delinquent Taxpayers (8/12)
- Limited Off-Sale Wine License (12/11)
- Bagging Alcoholic Beverages (11/11)
- Third Party Providers (11/11)
- Instructional Tasting License for Off-Sale Licensees (12/10)
- Illegal Gambling Devices (11/10)
- ABC Upgrades Computer Software; Permanent License Application Delayed During Transition (3/10)
- Documentary Evidence of Age and Identity (12/09)
- Change of 2009 Priority Application Period (6/09)
- Unlicensed Third Party Service Providers (6/09)
- Multi-Media Advertising (2/09)
- “Bar night” promotions (01/09)
- Taste Testing and Market Research(12/08)
- Supplier Entertainment of Consumers at Invitation-Only Events (12/08)
- Amendments to the ABC Act AB-1245 and SB-1246 (10/08)
- Infusion of Distilled Spirits (05/08)
- Direct Wine Shipments – New York State Reciprocity Determination (12/05)
- Wine Direct Shipper Permit (License Type 82) (12/05)
- Price Posting – Fuel and Transportation Surcharges (11/05)
- Gambling Advisory (4/05)
- Electronic Coupons (“Scanbacks”) Advisory (3/04)
- Advisory For Wine Sales Event Permit (Type 81) (12/03)
- Slotting Fees Advisory (3/02)
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Alcoholic Beverage Control
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Email us at
Call (916) 419-2500