Beer Price Posting
The Price Posting Unit (PPU) is responsible for overseeing the online beer price posting system, and the filing of beer brand registration, and territorial agreements.
Beer Price Posting is required to be completed using the Online Beer Price Posting system
Filing Price Schedules
California Business and Professions Code Section 25000 requires manufacturers, importers, and wholesalers of beer to file and maintain price schedules with the Department. The filing of price schedules is commonly referred to as price posting. A price schedule must be filed for each county in which your customers have their premises.
Sections 23671 and 23357.2 require the holders of certificates of compliance and out-of-state beer manufacturer certificates to also comply with Section 25000.
Who must file prices?
All manufacturers (Types 01, 23, and 75), importers (Types 09 and 10), wholesalers of beer (Type 17), all holders of Certificates of Compliance and Out-of-State Beer Manufacturer Certificates (Type 26).
How to file prices?
California Code of Regulations Section 105 requires licensees to file beer prices in the Online Beer Price Posting system. New licensees will receive a registration notice after their license has issued. The notice contains instructions on how to register in the Online Beer Price Posting system. Please see FAQs and instructional videos for information on how to use the online system.
If you have not received a registration notice, please contact the Department at to have it resent to you.
When to file prices?
Prior to the first sale of beer/malt beverages to customers in California.
How often to file prices?
If a new licensee, then prior to the first sale of malt beverages to customers in California. After the initial filing, amended schedules of selling prices must be filed when the licensee introduces new brands or types, new package configurations, new bottle/can sizes or when any price changes occur. If a filing licensee wants to lower a price to meet competition, then an amended schedule of selling prices also must be filed.
When are prices effective?
New schedules of selling prices are effective immediately upon filing. Amended price schedules are effective ten (10) days after filing. If the schedule is filed to meet a lower competing price, then the schedule is effective immediately upon filing.
Any questions regarding price posting should be sent to the Price Posting Unit at or at (916) 419-2571.
Beer Brand Registration
California Business and Professions Code Section 25200 requires every manufacturer of beer to register their brand(s) of beer with the Department prior to the first sale of that brand in California. Form ABC-412 is the form to use to register your brand(s). Form ABC-412 INSTR contains instructions on how to complete Form ABC-412. Foreign beer manufacturers who are not required to hold a license issued by the Department must register their brands of beer with the Department using Form ABC-415. Form ABC-415 INST contains instructions on how to complete Form ABC-415. These forms can be obtained under the “Licensing” tab on the Department website.
Completed Form ABC-412 and Form ABC-415 must be filed with the Price Posting Unit. Both forms may be emailed to or mailed to Department Headquarters.
The Department will not send a response to beer brand registration submissions. Licensees are encouraged to keep a copy of their submitted beer brand registrations for their records.
Any questions regarding beer brand registration should be sent to the Price Posting Unit at or at (916) 419-2571.
Territorial Agreements
California Business and Professions Code Section 25000.5 requires every manufacturer of beer who sells and distributes beer in California to designate territorial limits in California within which the brands of beer manufactured by them may be sold by wholesalers. A wholesaler of beer shall not sell any brand of beer unless they have first entered into a written agreement with the manufacturer of the brand which sets forth the territorial limits within which the brand shall be distributed by the wholesaler. A copy of the agreement, and any amendments thereto must be filed with the Department. Territorial agreements may be emailed to or mailed to Department Headquarters.
Any questions regarding territorial agreements should be sent to the Price Posting Unit at or at (916) 419-2571.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting the Price Posting Unit:
Ebory Camejo-Carrillo
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2571
Frequently Asked Questions
No. The ABC-701 will not be used in the online system. You can post prices in the online system either manually or by bulk upload.
No. Sheet numbers will not be used in the online system.
The online system will allow users to upload their prices via bulk upload utilizing the Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the Beer Price Posting page on the Department’s website.
No. You must use the Price Posting Upload Template. This template can be found on the Beer Price Posting Page on the Department’s website and will be available in the online system. You can add additional columns for your internal use and the system will ignore those columns. However, you must keep the columns that are contained on the Price Posting Upload Template or the system will reject the upload.