Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about entertainment zones.

An entertainment zone is a defined public area (e.g., public roadway, sidewalk, etc.) within a local jurisdiction that allows for the open consumption of specified alcoholic beverages during specified days and hours.

Entertainment zones are established by a city, county, or city and county ordinance.

Eligible ABC licensees may participate in the privileges associated with an entertainment zone by allowing their patrons to leave the premises with an open alcoholic beverage container for purposes of consumption within that entertainment zone.

Unless statutory restrictions or certain operating conditions dictate otherwise, beer manufacturers, winegrowers, and on-sale licensees whose premises are located within the defined boundaries of an established entertainment zone are eligible to participate.

Licensees should ensure their license type is eligible and that the premises is located within the defined boundaries of the established entertainment zone. Additionally, licensees must notify ABC of their intent to participate in an established entertainment zone annually.

The ordinance establishing an entertainment zone will specify which alcoholic beverages are allowable. Additionally, licensees may only sell or allow consumption of those alcoholic beverages specified by their license type.

Yes. Alcoholic beverages purchased at the licensed premises may not leave the premises in an open glass or metal container.

The ordinance establishing the entertainment zone will specify the days and hours of the entertainment zone. Participating licensees may only exercise their entertainment zone privileges during these specified days and hours and only if they do not conflict with any operating conditions that are contrary to the specified days and hours.

No. You must still abide by the operating condition which restricts the sales and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages at your premises to 10:00 P.M. You may be able to request a modification of your conditions. Please reach out to your local ABC office for additional information on that process.

No. An exception was provided in the new law which allows a licensee with an operating condition impacting their off-sale privileges to participate in an established entertainment zone. However, this exception only applies to the removal of open alcoholic beverage containers from the licensed premises for purposes of consumption within the entertainment zone.

No. The sale and removal of alcoholic beverages for purposes of consumption within the established entertainment zone must occur at the participating licensed premises.


For additional information,
contact your local district office.

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