Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions about alcoholic beverage licenses, license transfers, micro-enterprise home kitchens, and the online beer price posting system.
A license issued under the Act is a permit to do that which would otherwise be unlawful. A license is not a right, but is a privilege, which can be suspended or revoked by administrative action because of violation of the Act or departmental rule. (Sections 23300 and 23355)
- On-Sale General-authorizes the sale of all types of alcoholic beverages: namely, beer, wine and distilled spirits, for consumption on the premises, and the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises.
- Off-Sale General-authorizes the sale of all types of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises in original, sealed containers.
- On-Sale Beer and Wine-authorizes the sale of all types of wine and malt beverages (e.g., beer, porter, ale, stout and malt liquor) for consumption on and off the premises.
- Off-Sale Beer and Wine-authorizes the sale of all types of wine and malt beverages for consumption off the premises in original, sealed containers.
- On-Sale Beer-authorizes the sale of malt beverages for consumption on and off the premises (Sections 23393, 23394, 23396 and 23399).
Licensed premises that are maintained in good faith and used for the regular service of meals to patrons. The premises must have suitable kitchen facilities and supply an assortment of foods commonly ordered at various hours of the day. (Sections 23038 and 23787)
Yes. Upon notification to ABC, such a licensee may sublet the sale and service of meals. The licensee shall continue to be responsible for any violations caused or permitted by the food lessee on the licensed premises. The licensee shall not sublet to a person who does not have the qualifications of a 1icensee. (Section 23787 and Rules 57.7 and 57.8)
No person under 21 years of age is allowed on public premises.
There are two classes of public premises:
As to on-sale general and on-sale beer and wine licenses, this means premises maintained and operated for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages to the public for consumption on the premises, and in which food is not sold or served to the public as in a bona fide eating place, although food products may be sold or served incidentally to the sale or service of alcoholic beverages.
As to on-sale beer licenses, this means premises maintained and operated for sale or service of beer to the public for consumption on the premises, and in which no food is sold or served. An on-sale beer licensed premises on which food (sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, tacos, salads or similar short orders) is prepared and sold for consumption on the premises is not an on-sale beer public premises. (Section 23029 and Rule 67.
Unless restricted by special license conditions, on-sale general and on-sale beer and wine licensees may sell all types of wine and malt beverages.
Unless restricted by special license conditions, on-sale beer licensees may sell malt beverages. The privilege of selling distilled spirits to-go comes only with an off-sale general license (Section 23401).
ABC may refuse to issue a license to any person who has violated the ACT, has a disqualifying criminal record, or is otherwise disqualified.
An on-sale general licensee who maintains on his/her licensed premises more than one room in which a fixed counter or service bar is regularly maintained and at which distilled spirits are served to the public must apply for a duplicate license and pay a full annual fee for each such license. A duplicate license is not transferable by itself. (Sections 24042 and 24042.5)
Yes, if the licensee has not paid an annual license fee. Otherwise, every license now in effect (other than temporary retail permits and special daily licenses) is renewable unless such license has been revoked after hearing on an accusation. (Section 24048)
It is the responsibility of the licensee to renew his license whether or not he has received a renewal notice from ABC.
All licenses may be renewed by paying the required renewal fee before the license expires.
Following the expiration of a license, the licensee may legally operate for an additional 60 days during which time the license may be renewed by paying the renewal fee and a 50% penalty. If the renewal fee and penalty fee has not been paid within 60 days of the expiration of a license, the license is canceled and the licensee may not exercise any privileges of the license. The licensee does have and additional 30 days in which to reactivate the license by paying the renewal fee and a 100% penalty. If the penalty and renewal fee are not paid by the end of the 30th day following cancellation, the license is revoked. (Section 24048)
Any license must be in use within 30 days of the date of issuance, unless approval is received from ABC for premises under construction. (Section 24040)
If you did not receive your license, contact your local district office. They can research the license status and confirm your mailing address. If your license is lost or damaged, you can request a replacement. Complete the Advice of Correction (Form ABC-219) and select “Replacement of License Certificate” as your Action or Change. Submit the form and the License Replacement Fee to your local district office. The fee is non-refundable.
Tax-paid beer and wine may be stored anywhere. Distilled spirits may be stored in a licensed public warehouse, or petition may be made to ABC for approval of a private warehouse. this private warehouse must be located in the same county as the licensed premises. ABC’s approval is necessary before placing the distilled spirits in storage in a private warehouse. (Section 23106 and Rule 76)
The law says ABC may deny any retail license located (a) within the immediate vicinity of churches and hospitals, or (b) within at least 600 feet of schools, public playgrounds and nonprofit youth facilities. Generally, ABC will deny a license in the above situations when there is evidence that normal operation of the licensed premises will be contrary to public welfare and morals. Mere proximity by itself is not sufficient to deny the license.
ABC will not license a new retail location within 100 feet of a residence unless the applicant can establish that the operation of the proposed premises will not interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the property by residents. (Section 23789 and Rule 61.4)
Since 1939 the number of certain retail licenses has been limited. At present, the ratio is one on-sale general license for each 2,000 persons in the county in which the premises are situated and one off-sale general license for each 2,500 persons.
ABC does not have a Bartender’s or mobile bartending license. However, unlicensed bartenders are permissible for parties, but the host of the party can only pay the bartender for the services of bartending and not for alcohol sales. Hired bartenders cannot act like licensed caterers; meaning they cannot bring alcohol and charge by the glass; they cannot pick up alcohol for the customer and then be reimbursed; and they cannot take a pre-paid order from a customer and pick up the alcohol and deliver it to the party site. The host of the party must purchase all of the alcohol for the party in advance. The bartender can make suggestions to the party host as to what alcoholic beverages to purchase and in what quantity, bring equipment to the party, be paid a flat fee or by the hour, and collect tips for services only. All alcohol belongs to the host and cannot be returned to the seller by the bartender.
Types of clubs such as golf, swimming, tennis, press, yachting, rod and gun, riding, bar associations, airlines club, medical associations, social and others may be eligible for a club license providing such club meets the standards established by law as to membership, premises ownership, time of origin and services available. (Sections 23425-23435, 23320.1, 23399.2, 23825, 24072.5 and 24078)
Yes, Club licenses and veterans’ club licenses may not make sales for consumption off the premises. (Sections 23431, 23453 and 23437)
License Transfers
No. An application signed by both the present licensee and the transferee must be filed with ABC. ABC then proceeds as it would on a new application and may deny the transfer if the transferee-applicant is not qualified for a license. If such transfer also involves a change of the premises, ABC’s approval of the new premises is required. (Sections 24070 and 24073)
No. Neither the transferor nor the transferee should assume that the license will be transferred on a particular date, or at all, merely because the application has been filed. ABC may deny the application, or protests or accusations may be filed which may result in delay or denial of the transfer.
ABC is not required to investigate the personal qualifications or premises of a currently licensed person when a license is being transferred between partners and no new partner is being licensed. (Sections 23958, 23958.2, 24013 and 24070)
Most investigations take approximately 55-65 days, and by law the license cannot be issued for a minimum of 30 days. Circumstances often result in a longer waiting period; therefore, before final approval and issuance of a license, applicants are cautioned regarding extensive financial commitments, plans for grand openings, etc.
If new construction or considerable remodeling is necessary, the applicant should seek prior approval under Section 24044 before beginning any actual work.
The transferee may operate the licensed premises during the transfer period if a 120-day permit has been obtained. To qualify for this temporary permit, the premises must be currently licensed and have been operating within the past 30 days prior to application.
A licensee must surrender his/her license to ABC within 15 days. During the maximum one year surrender period the licensee may transfer the license to other locations or transfer the license to other persons. All renewal fees must be paid during the surrender period. (Sections 23053.5, 23320, 24072, 24072.1, Rules 60 and 65)
A person who wants to apply for an ABC license must start with the nearest ABC District Office. An ABC staff member will ask the applicant questions about the proposed operation and determine the type of license needed. The staff member will then advise the applicant what forms and fees are needed to file the application. Some applicants, before filing an application with ABC, must first obtain approval from zoning officials, open an escrow, or go to the office of the County Recorder for a certified copy of a Notice of Intended Transfer.
Generally, all parties must appear at the District Office. This is not generally a “mail-in” process because ABC requires personal information such as personal history affidavits. Fees are paid at this time. The applicant also views a video about ABC laws. A temporary permit may be issued under certain conditions.
Yes. ABC mails a copy of the application to local officials as required by law. If the premises is in the city, a copy goes to the police department, city council and city planning department. If the premises is in the county, a copy goes to the sheriff’s department, board of supervisors and district attorney. If local officials have concerns about the issuance of a license, they may request or impose restrictions on the business operation, or they may file a protest. (Section 23987)
Common concerns are that the license:
- Would create a public nuisance
- Would cause or add to crime in the area
- Would be contrary to a zoning law
- Is in a high-crime area or an area that has too many licenses and would not serve public convenience or necessity
In the case of number 4, the City Council or Board of Supervisors has 90 days to determine this and notify ABC. If the City Council or Board of Supervisors does not decide within 90 days, ABC may issue the license if the applicant shows ABC that issuance would serve public convenience or necessity.
Yes. ABC conducts a thorough investigation, as required by law, to see if the applicant and the premises qualify for a license. (Section 23958)
It is the applicant’s responsibility to:
- Post the Public Notice of Application at the premises for 30 days, and
- Give information to ABC as needed for the investigation
In some cases, ABC may also require the applicant to:
- Publish a notice in the newspaper
- Mail a notice to all persons living within a 500′ radius of the premises, and/or
- Obtain proof from the local planning department that the zoning permits an ABC license.
(Sections 23985, 23958, 23986, 23985.5 and 23790)
The privileges of the license may be exercised by any person acting on behalf of the deceased or incompetent licensee or the estate for a specified period or until an administrator, executor, etc., is appointed. (Section 23102)
Yes. The law prohibits a licensee from pledging the license as security for a loan or as security for the fulfillment of any agreement. In their transfer application both transferor and transferee must state under oath that the transfer is not being made (a) to satisfy the payment of a loan or to fulfill an agreement entered into more than 90 days before the transfer application is filed, (b) to gain or establish a preference to or for any creditor of the transferor, except as permitted by Section 24074, (c) to defraud or injure any creditor of the transferor. (Section 24076)
When licensed premises are closed, or the exercise of the privileges of the license is discontinued for any reason for a period of 15 consecutive days, the license must be surrendered to ABC. The license may be reactivated upon request of the licensee made at least 10 days in advance. (Rule 65)
ABC may approve an application for premises under construction. A retail license may be transferred or issued by ABC to premises which are under construction and the transferor has closed his business or surrendered his license. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold until the premises are completed. Actual delivery of the license is withheld until ABC is satisfied that all conditions set forth in the law and rules are met. (Section 24044 and Rule 64)
Micro-Enterprise Home Kitchen (AB-626)
AB-626 established “micro-enterprise home kitchens” (MEHKs) as a new category of retail food facilities. The Department has received a number of inquiries about whether MEHKs are eligible for licensure under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (“ABC Act”) and what activities pertaining to alcohol are permitted in MEHKs. There are a number of factors that are considered when licensing any business for the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, and there are various restrictions on what licensed and unlicensed businesses are permitted to do. This FAQ endeavors to address several of the key issues, but this is not a comprehensive review or analysis of the law and any person seeking to sell or provide alcoholic beverages, or to allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises, should obtain independent legal advice.
The laws concerning the regulation of alcoholic beverages may be found in the ABC Act (starting with Section 23000 of the Business and Professions Code). The circumstances under which a license is required to be obtained from ABC are very broad, and encompass all situations in which alcoholic beverages are sold. This includes the common circumstances whereby alcoholic beverages are sold for consideration (typically money), but also includes where the price of a meal (for example) includes alcoholic beverages or when a business allows customers to bring their own alcohol for consumption.
No. As indicated above, if a business, such as a MEHK, provides a place for people to bring their own alcoholic beverages to consume in conjunction with a meal sold under the MEHK permit, a license is required from ABC.
California law provides two types of licenses allowing for the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises in connection with the operation of a restaurant. One license allows for the sale or consumption of beer and wine; the other allows for distilled spirits in addition to beer and wine.
Whenever an application for an ABC license is made, the Department conducts an investigation to determine if both the person and the location meet the necessary licensing requirements. There are a number of factors involved, so it is not possible to determine whether any particular person or location may be eligible to hold a license prior to the completion of the investigation or, often, an administrative hearing. However, in addition to other things, a business operating a restaurant, such as in the case of a MEHK, must minimally meet the requirements of operating a “bona fide eating place.” The general requirements for this may be found in Business and Professions Code Section 23038. Some of the requirements are that the business be “kept open for the serving of meals to guests” in a regular and bona fide manner. In addition, the premises must have “suitable kitchen facilities” and “conveniences for cooking an assortment of foods which may be required for ordinary meals.” Given the statutory requirements for the operation of a MEHK, it is possible that such businesses may be eligible to hold a license issued by ABC. This does not mean, however, that every such business will be approved for such a license. As indicated, the Department will evaluate each application on a case-by-case basis.
The ABC Act requires licensees and licensed locations to comply with many statutory provisions. In addition, if a MEHK is approved for an ABC license, the Department may include conditions that could restrict the operation of the business beyond those statutory requirements. If you do choose to obtain an ABC license, you need to understand that the premises is licensed all the time, 24/7/365. This means that you are required to comply with the laws applicable to licensed businesses at all times, in the same manner as other licensees and licensed locations (such as “regular” bars or restaurants). Even though MEHKs are operated in peoples’ homes, if an ABC license is obtained, they must comply with the laws applicable to the license issued. For example, if the MEHK is licensed to sell beer and wine, no distilled spirits are permitted on the premises (except for brandy, rum, or liqueurs used solely for cooking purposes) at any time. Similarly, no alcoholic beverages may be consumed on the licensed premises between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, or as otherwise limited by a condition on the license.
Yes. As indicated above, once licensed, the premises is subject to the laws governing the licensed business and location at all times, even if meals are not being offered or sold under the MEHK. As a consequence, if you license part of your residence so you can offer alcoholic beverages in conjunction with the meals sold and served under your MEHK permit, that licensed area will be subject to the license restrictions even when you return it to regular use as a residence.
Either situation is a violation of several different laws, including, for example exercising privileges for which a license is required without holding a license (Business and Professions Code Sections 23300 and 23355), operation of a “bottle club” (Business and Professions Code Section 25604), or creating a public or private nuisance under the Unlawful Liquor Sale Abatement Law (Penal Code Sections 11200 to 11207). Such violations could subject you to criminal prosecution, a civil action for damages, or loss of your permit to operate an MEHK.
Online Beer Price Posting
No. The ABC-701 will not be used in the online system. You can post prices in the online system either manually or by bulk upload.
No. Sheet numbers will not be used in the online system.
The online system will allow users to upload their prices via bulk upload utilizing the Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded from the Beer Price Posting page on the Department’s website.
No. You must use the Price Posting Upload Template. This template can be found on the Beer Price Posting Page on the Department’s website and will be available in the online system. You can add additional columns for your internal use and the system will ignore those columns. However, you must keep the columns that are contained on the Price Posting Upload Template or the system will reject the upload.
No. You can use one spreadsheet to upload all of your prices.
Global settings contain the formatted data that currently exists in the online system such as container sizes, container types, package configurations, and to whom the beer is sold. Users may only post prices using the data that exists in the system.
No. Only the data currently in the global settings may be used. For example, you must use 24 Pack and not 24 pk.
The data is not case sensitive; however, you must input the exact word and must use the correct spelling. For example, for a receiving method, you must use delivery and not deliver.
The current lists of global settings can be found on our website on the Beer Price Posting page.
Prior to implementation of the system, you can send an email to to request a container size, container type, or package configuration be added to the system.
Please contact ABC at to change the administrator of the account.
There is no limit to the number of users a licensee has on their account.
The administrator of the account can deactivate the user profiles on the account. Go to the Licensee Users screen and select the user you wish to deactivate. Under the Actions column, click on “deactivate” next to the user you wish to deactivate.
The administrator of the online beer price posting account can reactivate the user profiles on the account. Go to the Licensee Users screen and select the user you wish to reactivate. Under the Actions column, click on “reactivate” next to the user you wish to reactivate.
From the Price Posting Application login screen, click on the Forgot Password link. The system will prompt you to reset your password.
A user cannot recover a forgotten password. The user will have to reset their password. From the login screen, click on the Forgot Password link. The system will prompt you to reset your password.
Trade name is the company name that is on the label. Product name is the actual name of the beer. For example, the licensed entity ABC LLC does business as Regulation Brewing Company and sells a beer called Legal Ale. In the system, this licensee would input “Regulation Brewing Company” in the trade name field and “Legal Ale” in the product name field. In the system, trade name is an optional field and product name is a mandatory field. Although trade name is an optional field, you must complete this field if the trade name is on the label.
Yes, manufacturers can edit a product name after it has been input into the system. From the products screen, click on the three dots under the Actions column next to the product name you need to edit and click on “edit” and a pop-up window will appear that will allow you to edit the trade name, the product name, or both.
Beer manufacturers must add their product names into the system. You will need to contact the manufacturer of the product to have them enter their product name(s) into the system.
No. The system will assign the products to the manufacturer who input them into the system. If a manufacturer inputs a product that is not made by them then that product will show the wrong manufacturer in the system. It is imperative that only the true manufacturer of the beer input the product name into the system.
A foreign beer manufacturer who is not required to hold a license issued by the Department can complete form ABC-415 and email the completed form to For instructions on how to complete the form, please see form ABC-415 Instructions.
Manufacturer in the Prices To field means any licensed winegrower, craft distiller, or beer manufacturer.
No. The transfer, including the sale, of beer made under contract for another beer manufacturer is permitted without filing the selling price.
FOB stands for freight on board and is used when a licensee picks up the beer from your licensed premises.
In the Receiving Method field, FOB is used when a licensee picks up beer from your licensed premises and delivery is used when you deliver the beer to the receiving licensee.
The Effective Immediately Yes/No field only applies to new prices. If you put “yes” in this column, the price will show a status of active as soon as the file is uploaded in the system. If you put “no” in this column, the price will show a status of active at 12:01 a.m. PT the next day. This feature allows the user to make corrections to the price until 12:00 a.m. PT in the case that an error was made when inputting the information. Otherwise, any changes to a price will not become effective for 10 days as set forth in Section 25002 of the Business and Professions Code.
A container charge is also known as a keg deposit.
Yes, the Container Charge field is a required field when using the Price Posting Upload Template. If the product is not a keg and does not have a container charge, please put “0” in this field for that item.
Section 25000(a) of the Business and Professions Code defines trading areas as areas within a county based upon natural geographic differences justifying a different price.
The price posting system must validate the information being input to determine if a price is a duplicate or is otherwise valid. Information contained in the trading area field consists of free form text and is not possible to validate against other free form fields contained in the system.
A competitive price is a change to an active price to meet lower filed competing prices in a trade area. A competitive price shall not be lower than the competitor’s filed price. Competitive prices are effective immediately.
A licensee must identify the product, product size, package configuration, county, and licensee they are competing against. The system must validate that the competing price is not lower than the competitor’s price identified by the licensee and cannot do so via bulk upload using the Price Posting Upload Template.
The only way to correct an error to a new price that is effective immediately is to make a price change which will take effect 10 days from the date the price change is filed.
Winegrowers/Blenders Report
Winegrowers and wine blenders must report the total gallonage of wine either produced or blended for the prior fiscal year.
Every licensed winegrower or blender is required to report all wine produced or blended including wine produced for other licensees. Only licensees with a Type 02 or Type 22 license are required to report. If you have both license types, you are required to submit a report for each license.
Yes, you must report online. If you cannot report online, please contact
Your license renewal fee is based on your predicted gallonage. If you produced or blended more gallons than expected, you may owe an additional fee. If you produced or blended fewer gallons than expected, you may be entitled to a refund. See the Winegrowers/Blenders Report page for more information.
You can submit your report online as a License Administrator or License Administrator Designee with the Manage License permission. Please review the License Administrator Frequently Asked Questions for information about creating an Online Services account with the License Administrator role.
Once you have created your License Administrator account and added your license numbers, you can select Manage and click Reports. Select your license number from the Winegrowers/Blenders Report dropdown menu.
After selecting your license number, enter the total number of gallons produced or blended for the prior fiscal year. The report will show the amount you paid for your renewal, the gallons you entered, the total fee required, and the amount to be paid or refunded if applicable. If you owe an additional fee, click Pay Now to submit your payment with your report. You can pay online by eCheck or credit card. A 2.99% non-refundable convenience fee will be added to all credit card payments.
You will not be able to edit your gallonage after you make a payment. If no payment was made, you may be able to select your license number again and make changes. If your license number is not available to select, it can no longer be edited. Please contact to request changes after the report is posted.
For purposes of the Winegrowers/Blenders Report, gallons produced means wine you manufactured by first stage fermentation under your Type 02 license. This should match the number entered on line 2 on the Report of Wine Premises Operations, TTB F 5120.17.
For purposes of the Winegrowers/Blenders Report, gallons blended means wine that is not produced by you but that you flavored, mixed, or blended under your Type 22 license.
No. Wine that is produced by you should only be reported once.
No. Only report the gallonage of wine you produced or blended in the fiscal year.
Yes. You must report the total gallonage of all wine produced in the fiscal year regardless of what you do with that wine (put into barrels, bottled, disposed of, etc.).
Yes. You must report all wine that you produce regardless of what happens to that wine.
License Administrator
The License Administrator is the person responsible for managing your license online. It must be the licensee, or someone authorized by the licensee to perform functions on their behalf. If the License Administrator is not a licensee, you must acknowledge, understand, and agree that the License Administrator has the authority to act for and on your behalf with respect to any information provided or changes made through ABC Online Services. You also accept full responsibility for, and shall be liable for any violation of law based upon, any information provided or changes made by the License Administrator.
A licensee can authorize anyone over the age of 18 to act on their behalf as a License Administrator.
You can manage your license, renew your license, manage your RBS server roster (if applicable), and invite License Administrator Designees to act on your behalf. Please see our Licensing Online Services page for a list of features available to License Administrators. As new features are developed, you will see them in your account.
Create your account and enter all required information. You will receive an email to confirm your email address. Once your email address is confirmed, you can choose the License Administrator role to complete your registration.
If you already have an account with a Server or Training Provider role, click My Applications, click the New Application button, and choose License Administrator.
You can watch short video tutorialsOpens in new window explaining how to Create a License Administrator Account or Add a Role to an Existing Account.
Yes, you can update your email address.
To change your email:
- Log into the Online Services account.
- Select your email address and click Profile.
- Click Edit on the My Profile page.
- Replace your current email address with your new email address and type the new email address again to confirm.
- Click Update and then Submit to submit the change.
- Do not log out.
- Confirm the change from the email sent to your updated email address. If you logged out after submitting your update, you must log back into the Online Services with your username or old email address to complete the email update.
If you do not confirm the new address from the email within 24 hours, it will not be updated.
If you cannot access the email you used to create your Online Services account, email to request a change.
If you need to edit your name, email with your request. Changes may require proof of legal identity.
Yes, you can add multiple license numbers to your License Administrator account. You will need the license number and validation code for each license.
No. You can only have one License Administrator for each license number, but you can invite one or more Designees to help manage your license or RBS server roster.
ABC mailed validation code letters to all licensees in June 2022. New codes were mailed to winegrowers and wine blenders in September 2023 and to licensees with caterer’s permits in February 2024. Validation codes expire one year after they are issued. If you do not have a validation code or if it has expired please contact your local district office.
Licensees will receive validation code letters for newly issued licenses shortly after receiving their license.
You must add one license to create your account. Once your account is created, you can add your other licenses. At the top of the licenses table click Add, enter the license number and validation code, and click Add License.
Click Remove and then select the checkbox for the license number to remove it from your account. Once a license is removed, you will not be able to add it again without a new validation code.
A unique validation code is assigned to each license number and can only be used one time. Validation codes expire one year after they are issued. If the validation code you enter does not correspond to your license number, if there is an existing License Administrator for your license number, or if the validation code is expired, you will not be able to add the license to your account. Please contact your local district office for a new code.
To change the License Administrator for your license number, contact The person requesting the change must be a licensee of record for the license number. The new License Administrator must create an Online Services account before they can be assigned to the license.
RBS is statutorily required Responsible Beverage Service training. If your license type is subject to the RBS requirement, you can select the RBS tab at the top of the page to manage your RBS roster. View the RBS Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about RBS requirements and roster management.
A License Administrator Designee is someone the License Administrator invites to help manage licenses or RBS server rosters. If the License Administrator Designee is not a licensee, you must acknowledge, understand, and agree that the License Administrator Designee has the authority to act for and on your behalf with respect to any information provided or changes made through ABC Online Services. You also accept full responsibility for, and shall be liable for any violation of law based upon, any information provided or changes made by the License Administrator Designee.
A License Administrator can invite anyone over the age of 18 to help manage licenses or RBS server rosters as a License Administrator Designee.
You can invite a License Administrator Designee to help manage your license, your RBS server roster, or both. Please see our Licensing Online Services page for a list of features available to License Administrators and License Administrator Designees.
Yes, you can invite more than one License Administrator Designee.
Yes, a License Administrator Designee can be invited to manage multiple licenses for the same or different License Administrators.
No, a License Administrator Designee cannot add or remove license numbers.
To invite a License Administrator Designee, choose Manage > Designees from your License Administrator dashboard. Click Add and complete all required fields. Ensure the first and last name are the Designee’s legal name as it appears on government-issued documents.
Select the permissions for the Designee from the Permissions dropdown. Select the Licenses which you are assigning to the Designee from the Licenses dropdown. The permissions and license numbers you select will display under the dropdowns. You can remove permissions or license numbers before you invite the Designee by clicking X.
Click Invite to invite the Designee. The Designee will receive an email to accept the invitation. Once they accept, their status will change from Invited to Active.
If you need to give the Designee different permissions for different license numbers, you must send a separate invitation.
Click Remove and then select the checkbox for the Designee to remove them from your account. Removing a Designee removes their permissions to their assigned license numbers.
Select the License Administrator Designee and choose Edit. You can add license numbers with the same permissions you’ve already assigned to the Designee. If you need to add permissions, you can invite the Designee with the new permissions. If you need to remove permissions, you must remove the Designee and invite them again with the correct permissions.
Yes, a License Administrator can be a License Administrator Designee for a different license number. The License Administrator Designee can view the License Administrator Designee instructions to learn how to add other roles to their account.
Online License Renewal
You can renew your license at ABC’s Online Services website. You can watch short video tutorials explaining how to renew online.
Only licenses which are active, being paid timely, and in their respective renewal phase can be renewed on the Licensing Services Portal.
All Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control license types are eligible to be renewed online as long as the license is active, being paid timely, and in its respective renewal phase.
Visa, Mastercard, and eChecks are acceptable forms of payment for online license renewals.
A 2.99% non-refundable convenience fee will be added to all credit card payments. There is no fee to renew online with an eCheck.
No. You can you still renew by mail or in person at a district office.
No. Please submit an Advice of Correction to your local district office.
You can create a License Administrator account to manage your license online, including renewing your license online. You are not required to create an account for online renewals.
No. Each license number is renewed separately, but you must renew all license types with the same expiration date at the same time.
No. All license types with the same license number and expiration date must be renewed at the same time.
No. Duplicate and secondary licenses cannot be canceled online. Please contact your local district office if you need to cancel a duplicate or secondary license.
A license is active if it has a status of Active, Rule 64b (Issue and Hold), Surrendered (Rule 65), or Suspended.
License expiration dates are updated in our License Lookup when a new license is issued, which may take 4-6 weeks.
Yes. You will receive an email confirmation from You can also print a receipt when you make your payment.
No. Credit card payments can only be made online.
Caterer’s Permit and Catering Authorization
There are two types of caterer’s permits. The Type 58 allows certain retail licensees to cater alcoholic beverages off-site. The Type 58 also allows club licensees to cater at their licensed premises. The Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permit allows licensees holding a beer manufacturer license to cater beer at approved events. Please see our Caterer’s Permit page for information on caterer’s permits, including who is eligible to apply, how to apply, and legal requirements.
Licensees with a Type 58 caterer’s permit or a Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permit must obtain authorization from ABC for each catered event. Please see our Caterer’s Permit page for information on caterer’s permits, including who is eligible to apply, how to apply, and legal requirements.
The fee for a catering authorization is separate from the annual caterer’s permit fee and is dependent on the estimated attendance size of the catered event. This fee is collected for each day of the event that alcohol is being sold. The fee schedule for catering authorizations can be found on the ABC website. To determine fee(s) due, visit the License Fees page.
For Type 58 caterer’s permits, there is a limit of 36 catered events per year at any given location. This limit applies to all Type 58 caterer’s permits , including those held by club licenses (Type 50, 51, and 52). An exception may be made to exceed 36 catered events if the licensee can clearly establish that additional events are in the best interest of the State and necessary to satisfy substantial public demand. Contact your local district office to request an exception.
For Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permits, each licensee has a maximum of 36 event days that can be authorized per calendar year.
You can submit and pay for your catering authorization application online or submit a Catering Authorization Application (Form ABC-218) and payment to your local district office.
To apply online, you must have an Online Services account with a License Administrator role or be a License Administrator Designee with the Manage License permission. Please review the License Administrator Frequently Asked Questions for information about creating an Online Services account with a License Administrator role.
Once you have created your License Administrator account and added your license numbers, you can select Manage and click Applications. Select your license number from the Catering Authorization dropdown menu.
After selecting your license number, click New Application. Complete all required fields. To submit and pay for your application, click Pay Now. You can pay online by eCheck or credit card. A 2.99% non-refundable convenience fee will be added to all credit card payments.
Your application is not automatically approved when you submit and pay for it. Your event may also require Property Owner or Law Enforcement Agency approval. ABC staff will work with you to determine which approvals are required when your application is reviewed. If ABC does not receive all required approvals, the application may be denied.
If additional approvals or documents are required, you will be able to upload them to your online application or email them to ABC.
For more information about submitting and paying for a catering authorization application online, please refer to the Online Catering Authorization Application instructions.
You can submit the Beer Manufacturer’s Catering Authorization Application (Form ABC-218-BMC) and payment to your local district office. Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s authorization applications are not available online.
To apply online, you must add your license number with an active Type 58 to your Online Services account with a License Administrator role. Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s authorization applications are not available online
To be eligible for online submission and payment, the event must be more than five days but not more than 60 days from the date you apply. In addition, you must not have catered more than 36 events at the event location. This limit applies to all Caterer’s Permits (Type 58), including those held by club licenses (Type 50, 51, and 52). To apply for events which do not meet the online criteria, you must contact your local district office.
If your event is canceled or denied, you may be eligible for a refund. Refunds will not be issued for events canceled on or after the date of the event. Credit card convenience fees are non-refundable.
To request a refund, complete a Catering Authorization Refund Request (Form ABC-218 REF). The refund form must be emailed by 11:59 p.m. the day before the event, delivered in person to an ABC employee by close of business the day before the event, or postmarked by the day before the event. Any form which does not meet that criteria will not be processed, and no refund will be issued. Read the ABC-218 REF instructions before completing the form.
The only change you can make to your submitted application is to upload documents. Your event may require Property Owner or Law Enforcement Agency approval. ABC staff will work with you to determine which approvals are required when your application is reviewed.
If additional approvals or documents are required, you will be able to upload them to your online application or email them to ABC. If ABC does not receive all required approvals, the application may be denied.
If you need to make other changes to your application, please contact your local district office.
ABC must authorize all catering events. Your event may require operating conditions, Property Owner approval, Law Enforcement Agency approval, or a Supplemental Diagram (Form ABC-253) which clearly identifies where the event is being held. ABC staff will contact you if you have not provided all of the required documents. If ABC does not receive all required approvals, the application may be denied.
All Type 91 beer manufacturer’s catering events must be approved by the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the event location.
If your event is approved, you will receive an approval document. You are required to print the approval document and have it available at your event, along with any signed conditions. ABC is not required to return copies of supporting documents. Please make copies before you submit your application.
You can upload the following file types: JPEG image (.jpg), Microsoft Excel Document (.xls), Microsoft Excel Open XML Document (.xlsx), Microsoft Word document (.doc), Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx), Plain Text File (.txt), Portable Document Format File (.pdf). Documents must be smaller than 2 MB.
You can submit and pay for events for up to three consecutive days online if each day has the same number of attendees and hours during which alcohol is served. If the dates are not consecutive, or if the number of attendees or hours are not the same, each day must be submitted and paid for as a separate event.
Currently, each event must be submitted and paid for individually.
The person who submitted the application and the contact person will receive an email when the application is received. ABC staff may contact you for additional information. Your event may also require Property Owner or Law Enforcement Agency approval. ABC staff will work with you to determine which approvals are required when your application is reviewed. If ABC does not receive all required approvals, the application may be denied.
If additional approvals or documents are required, you will be able to upload them to your online application or email them to ABC.
Your application is not automatically approved when you submit and pay for it. The contact person will receive an email when the event is approved or denied. If the event is approved, the contact person will receive an approval document. This document must be printed and available at your event, along with any signed conditions.
Sales of Alcoholic Beverages To-Go
This bill applies to the holder of an on-sale license that is issued for a bona fide public eating place that has off-sale privileges. This includes Type 41, Type 47, and Type 75 licenses. It also applies to a licensed beer manufacturer, licensed wine manufacturer, or licensed craft distiller that operates a bona fide public eating place at its premises of production.
To sell distilled spirits or wine for off-site consumption as authorized by this bill, the licensee must have on-sale wine or distilled spirits privileges. For example, a Type 41 license cannot sell distilled spirits pursuant to this bill since that license type does not provide distilled spirits privileges.
A manufacturer-sealed container is a container, such as a bottle or can, that is filled and sealed by the manufacturer of the alcohol. A nonmanufacturer-sealed container (to-go) is a container filled by the retail licensee that has a secure lid or cap that is sealed in a manner designed to prevent consumption without removal of the lid or cap by breaking the seal. A nonmanufacturer-sealed container is considered an “open container” if transported in a motor vehicle. In addition to other requirements, licensees selling nonmanufacturer-sealed alcoholic beverages to-go must post a notice that states the following:
“Alcoholic beverages that are packaged by this establishment are open containers and shall not be transported in a motor vehicle except in the vehicle’s trunk or, if there is no trunk, the containers shall be kept in some other area of the vehicle that is not normally occupied by the driver or passengers. This does not include a utility compartment or glove compartment (see Vehicle Code Section 23225). Additionally, these beverages shall not be consumed in public or in any other area where open containers are prohibited by law.”
No. Licensees are responsible for ensuring compliance with this restriction. Similarly, partially consumed alcoholic beverages, such as those ordered while dining-in, cannot be packaged to-go.
Existing law generally allows an on-sale retail license to sell or deliver manufacturer-sealed containers of beer and wine for consumption off the licensed premises. This bill does not alter these privileges in any way. However, alcoholic beverages sold pursuant to this bill cannot be delivered. This means that manufacturer-sealed distilled spirits and nonmanufacturer-sealed distilled spirits or single-serve wine cannot be delivered to consumers.
Manufacturer-sealed distilled spirits and nonmanufacturer-sealed containers of distilled spirits or single-serve wine may be sold for consumption off the licensed premises if the beverages are ordered and picked up directly from the premises in person by the consumer who must present an ID to verify they are of legal age and are the person who placed the order. Beer cannot be sold in a nonmanufacturer-sealed container. Other conditions apply to the sale of nonmanufacturer-sealed to-go alcoholic beverages, including but not limited to, the types of alcohol allowed to be sold under a particular license.
Nonmanufacturer-sealed to-go alcoholic beverages may be distilled spirits, mixed drinks, or single-serve wine that are prepared by the on-sale retailer on the licensed premises and are not sold to the consumer in the original manufacturer-sealed container. These types of drinks are considered “open container” alcoholic beverages and may only be sold with a bona fide meal. Further requirements for the sale of nonmanufacturer-sealed to-go alcoholic beverages are:
- Must be ordered and picked up in-person by the consumer directly from the licensee (i.e., they cannot be delivered to the consumer away from the licensed premises). The ordering consumer must present a valid ID to verify legal alcohol consumption age and that they are the consumer who placed the order.
- The alcoholic beverage is packaged in a container with a secure lid or cap that is sealed in a manner designed to prevent consumption without removal of the lid or cap by breaking the seal.
- Wine can only be sold in single-serve containers, meaning containers that hold between 187 milliliters and 355 milliliters (between 6.3 and 12 ounces).
- Mixed drinks and cocktails sold for off-sale consumption cannot contain more than 4.5 ounces of distilled spirits per drink. There is a limit of 2 to-go drinks not in a manufacturer-sealed container per individual meal.
- The alcoholic beverage container must be clearly and conspicuously labeled or otherwise identified as containing alcohol so that it is easily identified as containing an alcoholic beverage.
- There is a specific warning sign posted on the premises, online, or wherever necessary to ensure the consumer purchasing the alcoholic beverages is given notice of open container laws.
- The licensee has notified the Department of their intent to sell nonmanufacturer-sealed to-go containers of alcoholic beverages.
The alcohol sold may only be that which is allowed by the particular license type and specifically excludes beer from being sold in nonmanufacturer-sealed containers.
A bona fide meal must conform to the guidance issued by the Department on July 5, 2020, entitled “What is required to be considered a ‘meal’?”.
Effective January 1, 2022, licensees must notify the Department of their intent to sell nonmanufacturer-sealed to-go alcoholic beverages. Licensees must use the Alcohol To-Go Notification Tool to submit their notice of intent prior to exercising the privilege. Licensees eligible to exercise the privilege of sales of nonmanufacturer-sealed alcoholic beverages to-go may begin sales immediately after submitting the online notification and posting the required warning signOpens in new window.
The warning sign must be conspicuously posted on the premises, online, or wherever necessary to ensure the consumer ordering and purchasing the alcoholic beverages is given notice of open container laws. While there are no size or color specifications for the sign, it must be conspicuous, which means it must be readily observable by customers. It must contain the verbiage as follows:
“Alcoholic beverages that are packaged by this establishment are open containers and shall not be transported in a motor vehicle except in the vehicle’s trunk or, if there is no trunk, the containers shall be kept in some other area of the vehicle that is not normally occupied by the driver or passengers. This does not include a utility compartment or glove compartment (See Vehicle Code Section 23225). Additionally, these beverages shall not be consumed in public or in any other area where open containers are prohibited by law.”
NOTE: This language is slightly different from the language previously required by the Department’s regulatory relief. Licensees should replace any previous notices with this statutory language.
This warning signOpens in new window can be downloaded or printed from the Department’s website.
Yes. With good cause, the Department may at any time impose conditions on a license restricting or prohibiting the licensee from selling or furnishing alcoholic beverages pursuant to this bill. Good cause includes, but is not limited to, a written request, that states the reason for the restriction or prohibition, from a local law enforcement agency or local governing body or its designated subordinate officer or agency. Licensees would be able to petition the Department to remove or modify the condition within 10 days following imposition of the condition. If a petition is not submitted within 10 days, then the licensee would need to wait one year, pursuant to existing law, before the licensee may file a petition for the removal or modification of the condition. When petitioning the Department for the removal or modification of the condition, the licensee has the burden of establishing that the condition is unreasonable or that no good cause exists for its imposition. The condition shall remain in place until a final determination is made.
No. This bill does not make selling alcohol for consumption off-site a requirement for any on-sale licensee.
For additional information,
contact your local district office.