Application Fee Schedules

The following application fee schedules outline application fees for original licenses, transfers of existing licenses, and various operating permits that ABC issues. If annual fees are required, they are collected at the time of application submission, in addition to the application fee. The annual fee will cover the first year’s license fee for the applicant.

New Licenses

General Licenses

General licenses permit the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits. The most common general licenses are Types 21, 47, and 48. See the list of ABC license types.

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Non-General Licenses

Non-General licenses permit the sale of beer and wine, but do not allow the sale of distilled spirits. The most common non-general licenses are Types 20, 41, and 42. See the list of ABC license types.

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Transferring an Existing License

Person to Person

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Premises to Premises

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Double Transfers

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Miscellaneous Fees


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Non-Profit Temporary Licenses

Qualified non-profit organizations can apply for a temporary license for special events.  These licenses are charged per day and need to be submitted at least 10 days prior to the event.

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Catering and Event Authorizations

Catering and Event Authorizations are one-day event authorizations that require a permanent license, typically a Type 58 Caterer’s Permit, Type 91 Beer Manufacturer’s Caterer’s Permit, or a Type 77 Event Permit that is issued in addition to a licensee’s primary license.

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