Caterer's Permit

Information on obtaining a caterer’s permit, including who is eligible to apply, how to apply, and legal requirements.

There are two types of caterer’s permits. The Type 58 caterer’s permit allows certain on-sale retail licensees to cater alcoholic beverages off-site. The Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permit allows licensees holding a beer manufacturer license to cater beer at approved events.

Each permit type requires the licensee to obtain authorization from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) for each catered event.

Who May Obtain a Type 58 Caterer’s Permit

Only licensees holding an on-sale beer and wine (Type 41 or 42), on-sale general (Type 47, 48, or 57), club (Type 50, 51, or 52), on-sale general wine, food and art culture museum (Type 78), general caterer’s (Type 83), or designated special use (Type 71, 72, 73, 87, 88, or 99) license may apply for a Type 58 caterer’s permit. Seasonal licensees, on-sale general for boat, and on-sale general for vessel of more than 1,000 tons burden are not eligible.

A Type 58 caterer’s permit carries with it an annual fee and authorizes the licensee to apply for Type 58 catering authorizations. A catering authorization is what permits the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption upon premises approved by ABC.

Who May Obtain a Type 91 Beer Manufacturer’s Caterer’s Permit

Only licensees holding a beer manufacturer license (Type 01 or 23) may apply for a beer manufacturer caterer’s permit.

A Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permit carries with it an annual fee and authorizes the licensee to apply for Type 91 beer manufacturer catering authorizations. A catering authorization is what permits the beer manufacturer to sell beer for consumption upon locations approved by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

How to Apply

Submit a completed Correction/Application Request Form ABC-239 to your nearest ABC office. Each licensee may apply for only one caterer’s permit. The annual fee for a caterer’s permit can vary both by license type and the population size of the city in which the license is located. Annual fees for catering permits are located in Section 23320 of the Business and Professions Code. You may also visit our website or contact your local ABC office for fee information and assistance with completing Form ABC-239. If the investigation of your application for a catering permit results in approval, you may expect issuance of the permit from ABC Headquarters in Sacramento.

Frequently Asked Questions

The fee for a catering authorization is separate from the annual caterer’s permit fee and is dependent on the estimated attendance size of the catered event. This fee is collected for each day of the event that alcohol is being sold. The fee schedule for catering authorizations can be found on the ABC website. To determine fee(s) due, visit the License Fees page.

For Type 58 caterer’s permits, there is a limit of 36 catered events per year at any given location. This limit applies to all Type 58 caterer’s permits , including those held by club licenses (Type 50, 51, and 52). An exception may be made to exceed 36 catered events if the licensee can clearly establish that additional events are in the best interest of the State and necessary to satisfy substantial public demand. Contact your local district office to request an exception.

For Type 91 beer manufacturer’s caterer’s permits, each licensee has a maximum of 36 event days that can be authorized per calendar year.

ABC must authorize all catering events. Your event may require operating conditions, Property Owner approval, Law Enforcement Agency approval, or a Supplemental Diagram (Form ABC-253) which clearly identifies where the event is being held. ABC staff will contact you if you have not provided all of the required documents. If ABC does not receive all required approvals, the application may be denied.

All Type 91 beer manufacturer’s catering events must be approved by the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the event location.

Your application is not automatically approved when you submit and pay for it. The contact person will receive an email when the event is approved or denied. If the event is approved, the contact person will receive an approval document. This document must be printed and available at your event, along with any signed conditions.