Alcohol To-Go Notification

Use the Alcohol To-Go Notification Tool below to submit your notice of intent to sell alcohol to go in non-manufacturer containers.

Passage of Senate Bill 389 added Section 23401.5 to the Business and Professions Code. The statute authorizes certain restaurant and alcohol manufacturer license types to sell non-manufacturer sealed distilled spirits and single-serve wine (e.g. cocktails or servings of wine) subject to specific provisions. Prior to exercising the off-sale privileges authorized by SB-389, licensees must notify ABC of their intent to do so.

Licensees must use the Alcohol To-Go Notification Tool below to submit their notice of intent. The tool will determine if the license number entered has a license type that is authorized to exercise the privileges in SB-389. Licensees can begin exercising the privileges immediately after submitting their notice and posting the warning sign. This is a one-time notification, there is no requirement to renew annually.

Licensees should carefully review the Requirements and Guidelines before submitting a notice of intent.

Alcohol To-Go Notification Tool

Start by searching for your license. If you have multiple license numbers search for each license number individually. The tool will reset when a new license number is typed in the field below.

(last six digits only)

Alcohol To-Go Notification Submitted

A notice of intent to sell nonmanufacturer-sealed alcoholic beverages to-go has already been submitted. Contact your local district office for additional assistance.

Notice of Intent to Sell Alcohol To-Go in Non-Manufacturer Containers

Notice of Intent to Sell Alcohol To-Go in Non-Manufacturer Containers



For additional information,
contact your local district office.

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